Sentences with phrase «new study in the journal»

A brand new study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning found that passive recovery, that is, basically standing still, allowed study participants to work harder on subsequent work intervals (in the study they were sprints).
Ceres reveals some of its well - kept secrets in two new studies in the journal Nature, thanks to data from NASA's Dawn spacecraft.
A brand - new study in the journal Pediatrics (released online today) found that regulating the sale of «competitive foods» (any food or drink sold outside the federal meal program) may help keep students at healthier weights.
So we continue to look to the stars for clues — and the «unprecedented detail» in the new images, write the authors of three new studies in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, may bring them that much closer to the complicated truth.
For a broader assessment of hot summers in a warming world, and the long - term benefits of cutting carbon dioxide emissions, explore this relevant new study in the journal Climatic Change: «Future risk of record - breaking summer temperatures and its mitigation,» by a team at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
An interesting new study in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy turns on its head conventional wisdom about both the optimum technical solution and spacing for wind power projects so that they generate the most electricity.Researchers from the California Institute of Technology found that large horizontal axis wind turbines, broadly spaced (as in what you likely think of in a commercial wind farm) are far bettered by using shorter, vertical axis turbines, tightly spaced.
«A more complete Mediterranean diet may protect against aggressive prostate cancer: New study in The Journal of Urology ® finds that a high intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains might not be enough.»
This is according to a New York Times report of a new study in The Journal of the American Medical Association.
Beer marinades are actually an effective way of reducing levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a group of carcinogenic compounds that form on grilled meat when fats and juices interact with an open flame, finds a new study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Serving sizes of packaged food can affect a consumer's health perception and intended consumption, according to a new study in the Journal of Business Research.
A new study in the journal Development says that all that movement in your belly is for a really good reason.
A test for disturbed eye movements has the potential to provide rapid and accurate sideline screening for concussion on the sports sideline, says a new study in the journal Neurology.
Whether or not the problems are huge, at least someone goes to the trouble of identifying and quantifying them (e.g., the new study in the Journal of Patient Safety — a whole freakkin» journal devoted to safety, who knew?)
What triggered it all was a new study in the Journal of Child Development: Maternal Depressive Symptoms, Dysfunctional Cognitions, and Infant Night Waking: The Role of Maternal Nighttime Behavior.
A new study in the journal Pediatrics finds that pizza is a significant contributor to the daily calorie count of American children.
Dr. Brian Wansink, a professor of consumer behavior at Cornell University and director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, has published a new study in the journal Food Quality and Preference entitled «Ingredient - Based Food Fears and Avoidance:... [Continue reading]
Two disturbing bits of kid - food news to share: New Pizza Study: File Under «Duh» A new study in the journal Pediatrics finds that pizza is a significant contributor to the daily calorie count of American children.
The vast majority of sack lunches that kids bring to school aren't properly cooled or refrigerated and could pose a health hazard to young children, a new study in the journal Pediatrics suggests.
This week someone got in touch with me to talk about a new study in the journal Pediatrics, which suggests that there's no long - term harm associated with certain methods of sleep training.
Dr. Brian Wansink, a professor of consumer behavior at Cornell University and director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, has published a new study in the journal Food Quality and Preference entitled «Ingredient - Based Food Fears and Avoidance: Antecedents and Antidotes.»
A new study in the Journal of Neuroscience examines the long - term benefits of music lessons early in life.
Teens with a history of concussions are more than three times as likely to suffer from depression as teens who have never had a concussion, finds a new study in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
In yet another scientific reason for mothers to strongly consider breast - feeding their newborns, a new study in the journal Genome Biology finds that babies who are fed breast - milk had a wider range of gut bacteria than formula - fed babies.
That's according to a new study in the journal Scientific Reports.
Ground breaking research could reduce the recurrence of prostate cancer in males, a new study in the journal Nature Communications reports.
«We are making progress,» said Anne Hart, professor of neuroscience at Brown and senior author of the new study in the journal eLife.
According to a new study in the journal Space Weather, an event engulfing London, Paris, Moscow and most of mainland United States would be economically devastating.
The results appear in a new study in the Journal of Neurotrauma.
A new study in Journal of Neurophysiology reports that peripheral nerve stimulation therapy can reverse SCI - associated nerve deterioration, potentially improving the benefits of current and emerging rehabilitation treatments.
Media outlets continue to differentiate between British East Asian students and East Asian students in the UK education system, portraying the former in a negative, undesirable light, a new study in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies reveals.
Your wearable fitness tracker is great at counting the number of steps you took today, but it could also provide a new source of currency for the emerging health data economy, according to a new study in the journal Computer.
Probably not, says a new study in the Journal of Marketing Research.
In a new study in the Journal of Neural Engineering, researchers in the BrainGate * collaboration demonstrate new techniques that allowed three participants to achieve peak BCI performance within three minutes of engaging in an easy, one - step process.
A new study in the Journal of Marketing suggests that consumers believe that products with central rather than peripheral recycled features are greener (even when they are not).
To address this issue, a new study in the journal Science now derives the future evolution of Arctic summer sea ice directly from the observational record.
The inactivity of astronauts during spaceflights presents a significant risk to their muscles, says a new study in The Journal of Physiology.
But that feeling may not have much to do with time itself, according to a new study in the Journal of Marketing Research.
A new study in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching indicates that undergraduates who participate in mentored research not only graduate more often with science degrees, but also attend graduate school and pursue STEM careers at higher rates.
The reason: computer models commonly used to assess whether women should be tested for harmful genetic mutations may underestimate the risk in families of Asian descent, according to a new study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Neighborhoods with more interpersonal conflict, such as domestic violence and landlord / tenet disputes, see more serious crime according to a new study in Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (JRCD).
According to a new study in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, there can be a big discrepancy between what consumers believe that online privacy policies promise and what those policies do in fact promise.
A new study in the Journal of Dental Research suggests that dental problems commonly associated with cleft lip and palate may be caused by abnormalities in salivary glands and an imbalance of immune compounds in the mouth.
So reports a new study in the journal Ecological Monographs, based on an exhaustive three - year analysis of the Colorado River in Glen and Grand Canyons.
According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, corporate social responsibility leads consumers to believe products are better quality.
We all know that laughter is the best medicine, but a team of French scientists has discovered that using humor also appears to help toddlers learn new tasks, reports a new study in the journal Cognition and Emotion.
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