Sentences with phrase «new tax regulations»

If you purchased a book about new tax regulations for the purposes of helping you file your return, you may be able to deduct that cost of the book.
The UK introduced new tax regulations in April to phase out mortgage interest tax relief over the next five years.
While the housing markets were shaken up by new tax regulations announced in April 2017 and the turbulence at Home Capital, a large mortgage broker, heavy rains and flooding across the region made matters worse.
Just how those proposed new tax regulations will look after the budget has gone through the Review and Approval process is anyones guess.
Exploration and production companies have been reluctant to make investment decisions while they wait for the government to release guidelines for new tax regulations on exploration.
Develop procedures and prepare written instructions to indoctrinate employees in application of changes, instruct staff and implement new tax regulations, special rulings and union contract changes effecting payroll management.
That is, send alerts about new environmental regulations only to clients you reasonably believe are interested in environmental law developments, alerts about new tax regulations to clients interested in tax issues, etc..
To be sure, all companies, small or large, will need good financial advisors and tax accountants to ensure compliance with the new tax regulations, but there are reasons to be optimistic.
A discussion on the impact to foodservice of these key business indicators and new tax regulations, as well as what to expect for the year ahead
In particular, many people are afraid charitable giving may drop as a result of the new tax regulations.
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