Sentences with phrase «new time period»

Everything We Know About The Crown Season 3: A New Cast, New Time Period and More
Beasts earns points distinguishing itself from its predecessor by taking on a new time period, centering on an older (if still largely charming) cast and moving the action to America where new rules, regulations and verbiage («muggles» are no more, «no - maj» being the US equivalent) prevail.
Rogers / Captain America (Chris Evans, effortlessly charming) is adjusting to his new time period, partly by embracing the internet and keeping a notebook of things he missed that deserve attention (like the birth of Apple and classic Marvin Gaye).
Each new time period tends to be treated as a fresh start, with students being judged and graded on how well they perform in each period separately.
It should be noted that in this new time period, buildings are taller than they were in the crusades.
The story will continue where ACII left off, but instead of playing in a new time period, the game... Read More»
However, I think it's far more likely that we'll see yet another Assassin's Creed game that follows the same old formula while bringing very little innovation besides a new time period in which to assassinate dudes — just like most of the ones before it.
I'm just hoping for something different than «Save Zelda, beat Ganon,» but ideally I'd like to see Hyrule brought into a newer time period.
With an emphasis on the chaotic new 2 - vs - 2 multiplayer, new time periods, and improved graphics, physics, and destructibility powered by Unreal Engine 4, players will need to be ready for some intense rocking and rolling.
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