Sentences with phrase «new timeframe»

You can always move your dreams to a new timeframe if they no longer meet your original parameters, but by checking back in (say, every six months), you remind yourself of what is important to you.
All parties must produce a new timeframe with clear actions and milestones for achieving the eradication of child poverty and these need to be monitored by the OBR and at each Budget and Spending Review.
If you want nothing to do with online dating, not even a free service, set a new timeframe for yourself of a couple months.
Lastly, while we had originally expected this game to launch late in our fiscal year 2019, we're now looking at a new timeframe that we will announce in the future.
The change also means a delay, from late in EA's 2019 fiscal year to «a new timeframe that we will announce in the future.»
As discussed in the video below, movies that take a storyline and move it into a new timeframe are generally regarded as «sequels,» not spinoffs, but the meaning of this language may ultimately be determined by a court.
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