Sentences with phrase «new top rate»

The Conservatives have tried to say nothing about Labour's new top rate of income tax, but would have to show their hand.
After the government failed to bring in the new top rate for individuals, French companies will now have to pay the 75 per cent rate as a business cost (30 per cent up to $ 1m then an additional 45 per cent after).
We should be looking at a new top rate for the billionaires or those making $ 100 million, According to Ron Deutsch, executive director of the labor - backed Fiscal Policy... (read more)
During a hustings between the five contenders to replace Gordon Brown, Mr Miliband, the shadow energy secretary, said that the new top rate for those earning more than # 150,000 should remain in the interests of «fairness».
Yesterday lunchtime, the Institute for Fiscal Studies pointed out that the new top rate would raise, in its words, «virtually nothing».
Witness his living wage campaign, his proposal for a high pay commission and his insistence on keeping the new top rate of tax for high earners.
«We should be looking at a new top rate for the billionaires or those making $ 100 million,» said Ron Deutsch, executive director of the labor - backed Fiscal Policy Institute.
The new top rate — up from 35 % — is the first major rate hike on high - income households in 20 years.
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