Sentences with phrase «new womb»

Three of the organs have been removed due to complications; but one woman still has her new womb, and hasn't shown any signs of rejection.

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Big data, social data, data mining — there's so much data around, and so many things you're supposed to do with it, that it's a wonder many entrepreneurs don't curl into the fetal position and enact a new type of data regression, where the mound of data causes you to regress back to the womb.
Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, her womb containing Jesus, the bread of Life come down from Heaven [John 6:41] In the Ark of the Old Covenant, the urn was filled with manna from the wilderness....
The New Testament birth stories appear to walk a fine line between the crass pagan versions, such as Plato's conception by Apollo, and the Hebrew accounts in which an infertile womb is somehow made fertile by divine decree, such as Sarah's conception of Isaac.
In the new humanity which is begotten today the Word prolongs the unending act of his own birth; and by virtue of his immersion in the world's womb the great waters of the kingdom of matter have, without even a ripple, been endued with life.
With the aid of process thought, however, this «new god» may leave the nourishing but dark womb of Camus» aesthetic intuition and enter into the debate of collective consciousness.
The moral ambivalence of the new medical and scientific achievements also explains the public fascination with the two events: «Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord» (Job 1:21, KJV).
We need a fully orbed pro-life vision that fights for human dignity wherever it is compromised, whether in the womb, on the streets of Baltimore, Cleveland and New York, at the nursing home, in the halls of power, or at the border.
When they were safely aboard the ark, God sent a flood until the world was immersed in a cleansing bath, so that new life could begin in the watery womb called Earth.
... The UN Commission for the nutrition challenges of the twenty - first century, in its Report submitted on March 20, 2000, has pointed out that» about one in four new - born children in developing countries - around 30 million each year - suffer retarded growth in the womb, an indication of how the nutritional well - being of mothers in pregnancy remains one of the most neglected areas in world health.
Song also speaks of a «theology of the womb,» a theology of liberation which affirms the new life struggling to be free:
They have oscillated in practice between radical centralization and tolerance of relative decentralization (in the form of producer Soviets and compulsory co-operatives when these served a political purpose), but they have never put the social principle above the political nor attempted to realize Marx's dictum that the new society will be gestated in the womb of the old.
Added are the new forms of violence being heaped on women by the colonizing of our wombs by bio-technology and other scientific methodology, controlling the reproductive choices and capacities of women — threatening the «very foundations of life itself.»
The male power determines the womb of woman in the creaturely act of procreation to create new human persons.
Every time new life comes from a mother's womb, a miracle is performed.
Mary's womb, a human vessel of life, has been made full, and not just with a new life, but with the very source of light and life (John 1:4).
In part — and here Whitehead differs profoundly from the deconstructionists — the new options come from the past finite entities, but ultimately they come from God who is the womb of potentiality.
«When they see the child moving in the womb on an ultrasound, when they hear the heartbeat of the unborn child, when they know there are people and programs available to help them with a new baby and new circumstances, when they see what dismemberment abortion does to these precious children, the pain and agony that is involved in every chemical abortion, they look for life - preserving solutions that are better for everyone involved.»
Let me interject here that the research being done about inter-sex children, those who are born «eunuchs» from their mother's womb, is shedding new light into this whole issue of gender identity and sexual attraction.
The New Covenant is established in her womb.
So Dionysius put the New Year's Day of the first year in his new calendar on that date, believing it to mark the time of Jesus» conception in the womb of his mother MaNew Year's Day of the first year in his new calendar on that date, believing it to mark the time of Jesus» conception in the womb of his mother Manew calendar on that date, believing it to mark the time of Jesus» conception in the womb of his mother Mary.
Indeed it was part of God's plan that the poising of matter at the very beginning of creation would lead ultimately to a moment when the potential brain of a creature conceived within the womb of a primate would of necessity demand a new principle of control and direction.
The Woombie (click here to check price on Amazon) is a newer swaddle blanket on the market meant to mimic the feeling of the womb.
As recommended by my friend Lori, we started out (even in the hospital) by playing a groovy, new agey Transitions cd that simulates womb sounds.
The 9 months of baby's development in the womb are now over and you as a new mom are about to give birth.
One sign of their developing nervous system is that until 4 - 6 months of age infants startle easily as they experience a whole new world of sensations that were absent in the womb.
New babies so used to being «held» all the time in the womb that it's a shock when they come out and get put down in cribs, bassinets, and baby swings.
By contrast, life outside the womb can be pretty jarring with all its new sounds and sensations.
By snuggling your new baby skin to skin, you can help him transition from the womb to the outside world.
During this time, your baby will be adjusting to their new surroundings, taking in new sights and sounds and getting used to being out in the wide world; this is a huge contrast to the womb and it'll take some time for them to adapt.
The Birth of a New Earth Curriculum is designed to educate future parents about the importance of conscious procreation and to provide them with the information and tools they need to conceive their babies consciously, gestate them in trauma - free wombs, birth them in gentle, loving environments, and parent them in the most conscious and loving way.
White noise closely resembles the sounds your baby is used to hearing in the womb so it can be soothing for a newborn that is still just learning about this new, outside world.
Continue with your skin - to - skin contact, too, as it helps the bonding process and will reassure your baby about this strange new world outside the womb.
According to medical science, it is very difficult for new babies to adjust in full - sized adult bed after spending a long time inside the mother's womb.
Maybe it's because you're settling in to the new normal, or maybe it's because the little ones are starting to adjust to life outside the womb.
At that time, she carries a new baby in her womb until it has borne.
The Lanugo hair will start to disappear as the new brain cells and fat help to regulate the body temperature for the remaining weeks in the womb
Grobag swaddle blankets are a unique design that makes swaddling natural and intuitive for every new mum.These swaddling blankets are also the best way to mimic the warmth and security of the mother's womb so babies sleep more comfortably and for longer.
New born babies are used to feeling a gentle pressure on their bodies that is normal inside the womb.
I think for a newborn, getting used to this new world outside the womb is a little like going back to work after a beach vacation for us.
New research is confirming this may have something to do with their exposure to certain pollutants in the womb.
Swaddling can be a safer way to put your new baby to sleep and keeps them feeling like they're safely in the womb.
Science writer Annie Murphy Paul talks through new research that shows how much we learn in the womb - from the lilt of our native language to our soon - to - be-favorite foods.
As Parents magazine pointed out, at the core of sibling rivalry is splitting up the attention of the parents on more than one child; and this situation can start to unfold while your new bambino is still in the womb.
New baby daughter had strong feelings about being out of the womb in general.
A baby's skin is so sensitive and when exiting the womb into the world, the new environment can have different effects on babies.
Hearing her parents» familiar voices helps her adjust to the strange new world outside the womb and lets her know that she's not alone.
Consider the fact that the new born has a lot of challenge with and much to get used to in the big confusing world around her after her secure 9 month home of the womb where she was insulated from everything and never had to do a thing on her own.
Thrust from the close, dark womb into an overwhelming experience of bright lights, loud noises, and new smells, your baby needs the reassurance of your continued physical presence.
Newborn babies, having just left the womb, are a little frightened by their new world.
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