Sentences with phrase «news consumption»

One challenge for the news industry is to understand and manage the degree to which the tablet will take the place of news consumption that had been occurring on other platforms.
When it comes to news consumption on the tablet, the social networking component - at least electronically - is still evolving.
To learn about news consumption habits, create a brief survey for students to share with as many adults as possible.
When it was launched, many observers believed that the tablet might help change the experience of news consumers and the economic ground rules of digital news consumption.
But as news consumption is increasingly driven by social media sharing, it's becoming easier than ever for no - name sites to reach a big audience.
Some of this decline may be tied to lower daily news consumption among Android tablet owners, the data indicates.
Formal, dedicated news consumption is therefore dropping — but so too is the consumption of traditional forms of entertainment.
But as news consumption is increasingly driven by social media sharing, it's becoming easier than ever for no - name sites to reach a big audience.
For weeks, I have severely limited my online news consumption — in addition to no sports or local news web sites, now I don't visit any news websites at all.
Publishers» digital advertising revenues have been hit by the dominance of Google and Facebook (76 percent of the increase in internet advertising monies in the U.S.), the growth in news consumption via smartphones and the rise of ad - blockers.
The staff of the RJI Insight and Survey Center interviewed more than 1,000 individuals randomly selected from phone number lists between January 17 and March 25, 2012 for RJI's 2012 Mobile Media News Consumption Survey.
This survey probed specifically on tablet news consumption in the past 7 days.
They reported bold stories about the Search behemoth's thirst for control over news consumption trying to keep their reach at bay.
Key findings from a survey report on tablet news consumption by the Project for Excellence in collaboration with the Economist Group.
But given the rise of news organizations aimed at younger adults, and the relatively high news consumption rates of young adults on social media and elsewhere, the reality may be more challenging for news organizations than that.
Just as printed newspapers have to struggle to cope with mobile devices and applications and changing habits and news consumption patterns, government spokespersons also have to deal with staying on top of their game in a world where everyone has a means of expressing their sentiments and opinions directly to the world.
«We aren't trying to drastically change behavior, but instead trigger a simple thought process to help foster critical and informed news consumption
Google describes the new shiny thing as «a visual driven format for evolving news consumption on mobile.»
In the U.S., offline news consumption in TV, radio and print remains dominated by traditional outlets such as local TV and Fox News.
Democrats also say that the media are so saturated with news about Trump that they fear running ads about him wouldn't tell voters anything new, especially in well - to - do suburbs where news consumption is high.
For years he has been shielding the singer from nasty critics and gawking crowds, as well as filtering out the negative press from Jenkins» regular news consumption.
Flydubai's Chief Executive Officer, Ghaith Al Ghaith, explains: «Daily news consumption trends have shifted since the introduction of smartphones and personal electronic devices, and passengers now expect to be able to read their favorite newspapers electronically on board.
Firstly, the majority of people will simply never have any personal involvement with it; secondly, our proximity in Canada to our giant neighbour, the U.S., from which we get most of our TV, film and even news consumption, means we hear tales of «Chapter 7» or «Chapter 13,» yet Canadian bankruptcy law differs greatly from the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
But Stories also could reinvigorate news consumption with flashier, no - filler style right when publishers are under siege by new distractions soaking up our time.
The select Web survey of 300 tablets users» news consumption habits during the previous seven days delved even more deeply into this issue of enjoyment.
It is fearful that first the bookstores and now the newspapers will fall by the wayside as the world shifts to ebooks and digital news consumption.
The intended purpose of the annual RJI Mobile Media News Consumption Surveys is to gain insights into who uses mobile media and how their uses for news may change over time.
Unlike the three previous annual RJI Mobile Media News Consumption Surveys, which included users as well as non-users of smartphones and tablets, this survey was confined to those who had standard - size smartphones and phablets — smartphones with screens that measure diagonally 5.1 — 6.99 inches.
In particular, they need to determine if they can work with these tech giants in a manner that enables them to get paid for their content and to access increasingly valuable data about users» patterns of news consumption.
(Facebook alone, which has seen a drop in posts but a dramatic rise in news consumption, accounts for 14 % of the time).
Broadcast news outlets have become a large part of my news consumption through digital platforms as well.
But there is no question that I have come to use both the IPad and IPhone for a great deal of news consumption, though I still largely depend on traditional brands.
In a survey earlier this year, 62 percent of respondents reported getting news from social media, with Facebook getting most of that news consumption.
But a new report from the Pew Research Center says that for those who visit Reddit regularly, the site plays a significant role in their news consumption: Almost 80 % of its users say that they get their news there.
So it would do you good to change up your news consumption from time to time.
This trend provides opportunities for advocacy organizations engaging in these larger public policy conversations to become live video broadcasters, and add their live video — and voices — to the public and media's news consumption.
I think that other factors like the size of the country, non-mandatory voting, news consumption habits, and a general apathy within a country that has been shielded from extreme adversity for a long time would have more to do with turnout.
In sum, when looking at fake news, it is not enough to explore the content of a message; instead, news consumption habits and the role of social media platforms are equally important to explore.
Compare your results with national statistics on news consumption, «News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016.»
Credit has to be given to the New York Times for establishing the paywall method of news consumption.
«At the same time its shift to digital news consumption is still in relatively early stages, with digital media readership continuing to grow at 11 % annually and still only 50 % of all readers regularly consuming news online.
The desktop computer remains an enduring part of people's news consumption - perhaps because during weekdays it is a work tool.
As has been found in news consumption habits more broadly, checking headlines is the most frequent type of news consumption on tablets.
In the exhibition Only Worries, by Gabrielle Gibbons, the artist depicts her perception of the state of humanity as informed by her news consumption.
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