Sentences with phrase «news of the death»

Although news of his death gave me a sinking sense of loss, I....
She was writing a memoir letter about their first meeting when news of his death reached her.
Nowadays news of a death is often attended by a gathering ambiguity about what we ought to do about it.
«I'm shocked and deeply saddened to hear the very sad news of the death of Charles Kennedy at the age of 55.
Co-writer of «Hotel California» is mourned by the entertainment world following news of his death at age 67
William Hague has attacked the «cowardly» Taliban following news of the death of British doctor Karen Woo in Afghanistan.
The messages represented a tiny minority of the tweets she received last night; per Topsy, an analytics service, thousands of well - wishers have tweeted their condolences to Williams's daughter in the time since news of his death broke, and several dozen reported her abusers to Twitter.
After hearing news of his death, many Ghanaians who are in shock and dismay have taken to various social media platforms to share their grief and extend their heartfelt condolences to his wife and family.
As news of his death on Sunday spread, he was hailed as one of the towering figures in art of the 20th century.
Please pardon my poignant tone, but last night I got news of a death in my area.
News of the death comes with the spotlight already on bitcoin thanks to the collapse of Tokyo - based exchange Mt.Gox, which last week filed for bankruptcy protection amid revelations that it has lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the virtual currency.
Meanwhile, the tragic news of the death of Autumn Radtke, 28, the American CEO of First Meta Exchange, made international headlines today.
Snow Cake stars Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman in an arthouse tale of an autistic woman and the Brit driver who brings news of the death of her daughter.
John Coffee, a law professor at Columbia University and an expert in securities law, says he believes the company should have disclosed news of the death earlier, and the fact that the stock didn't fall following the news of the crash doesn't prove the event wasn't material and shouldn't have been disclosed.
Although news of his death gave me a sinking sense of loss, I knew the loss was mine, not his, and my more enduring thoughts brought back a flood of memories that make me grateful for his life and his friendship.
This is best orchestrated during her exchanges with Lord Burleigh, played by The Thick of It actor Vincent Franklin, a straight - edged confidant of Elizabeth who relays news of her death sentence.
Ondo State Governor, Olusegun Mimiko, in his condolence message issued by the state's Commissioner for Information, Kayode Akinmade, said news of the death of the former governor came to him as a rude shock, adding that no one would have envisaged that the late politician would not see the end of the election.
Harrelson and a scarred soldier (Ben Foster) are given their toughest mission: travelling to the homes of soldiers to deliver news of their death in action to their families.
Members of our Coalition have been shocked and saddened by news of the death last evening of one of our founding members, Professor Robert M. (Bob) Carter, in his home city, Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
«The only real threat that pandas face is loss of habitat,» says Fellman, noting the danger of extinction, referencing recent news of the death of the world's last male northern white rhino.
The statement reads: «I received the sad news of the death of Jide Tinubu, the son of the former governor of Lagos State and the Party's National Leader, Senator Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, with great shock and grief.
Along with the international film community, we at Blaffer are saddened by news of the death of Chantal Akerman, an -LSB-...]...
The unofficial opening of the contest follows news of the death of former Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Lord Russell - Johnston.
Then there's been the tragic news of the deaths of six British soldiers in Afghanistan.
Recent weeks bring news of the death of Fred Seitz and Robert Jastrow.
In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Peter Okhiria, the Governor said: «I received with shock, the sad news of the death of Prince Abubakar Audu, candidate of our great party in the Kogi state gubernatorial election.
I never met either, but the news of their deaths, coming so....
When I first heard the news of his death I wanted his body quartered and sent to every corner of the globe as a message.
The sense of loss within the ecumenical world at the news of his death went beyond personal grief.
I will wave cheerfully and smile as I read the news of their death.
After the news of his death came, she wrote to his chaplain, who later as a student of mine gave me the letter.
The news of her death in a car crash in Paris led to a national outpouring of grief.
As the news of her death began to sink in, the couple recalled this last conversation with her.
They may come when the news of a death is first received (as with the couple above), or during the wake and funeral, or on an anniversary, or through some other reminder.
Goto's 78 - year - old mother, Junko Ishido, told journalists following the news of his death, «It is my only hope that we can carry on with Kenji's...
It is perhaps a mark of Fiszman's popularity that the news of his death has been greeted with true mourning by all Arsenal supporters.
Together with the news of his death was the release of his latest album, grappling with what was to come.
Scores of Ghanaians, including politicians, veteran journalists, and friends have been eulogizing the late broadcaster since the news of his death broke.
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