Sentences with phrase «newspaper of record»

It's a great mix of a daily newspaper of record and updated news since printing.
Rockville, Maryland About Blog Washington Jewish Week is the Jewish newspaper of record in the nation's capital since 1930.
But no other North American daily newspaper can come close to the Canadian contrarian newspaper of record for intellectual dishonesty, factual distortion and sheer volume of misinformation.
Featured According to Spanish newspaper of record, El Mundo, much of the media used to promote Catalonia's October 1st (O - 1) referendum to secede from Spain was paid for in bitcoin.
-- In print, via serialized «Story Series» in major newspapers of record, articles in national magazines, and advertisements in publications that can help expand our community of participants.
David W. Dunlap, who has covered the story for our local newspaper of record, joined many reporters in playing it strictly as a case of inclusiveness vs. exclusiveness, of love vs. bigotry.
Did you know that Hawaii's newspapers of record recorded Obama's birth in 1941?
In 1952 The Times — which has the double advantage of being both the British newspaper of record and the only archive to which your correspondent has immediate access — predicted that «There should also be something of a dogfight at the head of the Third Division (South)», and then in 1964 noted that «the dogfight at the head of the Fourth Division continues».
America's self - styled newspaper of record has but one regular commentary on education, and its author is gripped by a worldview that often blinds him to evidence and confounds the rules of logic.
Education Week is America's education newspaper of record.
The only surprise is that this tripe has appeared in the Edmonton Journal, rather than Gunter's usual haven in the anti-science newspaper of record, the National Post.
The Law Society of British Columbia has launched an investigation, the Premier has called for a review of the process by which special prosecutor appointments occur, and the Vancouver Sun (B.C.'s major daily newspaper of record) has dutifully pulled out a list of other prominent counsel who have acted as special prosecutors subsequent to making political donations to the governing party in B.C.
According to Spanish newspaper of record, El Mundo, much of the media used to promote Catalonia's October 1st (O - 1) referendum to secede from Spain was paid for in bitcoin.
The Globe and Mail, Canada's highest - distribution national newspaper and often regarded as the country's «newspaper of record,» has announced that it will cease
During his tenure as publisher, the Globe has cemented its position as corporate Canada's newspaper of record.
The Times seemed the right place for such a gathering: The Newspaper of Record was soon to be awarded three Pulitzer Prizes on April 16, one for public service that it shared with The New Yorker for documenting stories of sexual harassment from multiple women who claimed they were abused by disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.
So says John Allen in an extended essay in the newspaper of record for liberal Catholicism, the National Catholic Reporter.
A thousand - plus words in what some still call the newspaper of record and the reader does not know what happened.
Dr. Elders said she wanted to educate the American people, and it appears she succeeded with a few, an inordinate number of whom are children of the counterculture working at what used to be called the nation's newspaper of record.
In New York, where the league's flagship franchise, the Arrows, has won the championship every season, America's newspaper of record, the hometown Times, pays the team almost no notice.
Reputable is not measured by bias but by the level of oversight and being listed as a Newspaper of Record.
It is considered a «Newspaper of Record» along with the LA Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.
In 2013, The Boston Globe, the newspaper of record for Massachusetts, where Soon is based, worked over the same ground.
As Canada's newspaper of record for climate science disinformation, the National Post is home to many climate «skeptic» voices, all drawing on the same standard (and repeatedly debunked) memes, but each with his own distinct style.
International Online Dating Service eharmony VP of Content to speak at the 51st International iDate Dating Industry Conference... Jeannie Assimos, VP... Free Online Dating Phoenix Bristol news dating back 176 years is now within reach... issues of Bristol's newspaper of record, The Bristol Phoenix, without stepping foot into a library.
Bristol news dating back 176 years is now within reach... issues of Bristol's newspaper of record, The Bristol Phoenix, without stepping foot into a library.
Free Online Dating Phoenix Bristol news dating back 176 years is now within reach... issues of Bristol's newspaper of record, The Bristol Phoenix, without stepping foot into a library.
eharmony VP of Content to speak at the 51st International iDate Dating Industry Conference... Jeannie Assimos, VP... Free Online Dating Phoenix Bristol news dating back 176 years is now within reach... issues of Bristol's newspaper of record, The Bristol Phoenix, without stepping foot into a library.
A chief task for The Times, long considered the «newspaper of record,» is to find the best way to accurately and honestly cover this unconventional president, even as he tries to undermine them.
Each January since 1997, Education Week, the K - 12 industry's newspaper of record, has issued its «Quality Counts» report, ranking states by, among other things, the «equity» of their school finances.
The reporters and editors of Education Week, which modestly styles itself «American Education's Newspaper of Record,» prepare QC, with generous subsidy from the Pew Charitable Trusts.
It is especially problematic when the distortion is in the nation's putative «newspaper of record
The CD has been the newspaper of record at Mr. Jefferson's University for 125 years now.
In an editorial barely a week earlier, called «Caution and the Common Core,» the newspaper of record refers to curriculum four times, using the term as if it were the same as «standards.»
Sure enough, in its first major story about the Romney plan, the nation's newspaper of record, The New York Times, did just that last Tuesday.
Education Week, the newspaper of record for American education, ran 63 stories mentioning «achievement gaps» in the first six months of this year.
The New York Times is apparently surprised to discover that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is not behaving like the bigoted, unfeeling, unthinking monster that the nation's newspaper of record and other liberals think she is.
She asked, «How can the nation's «newspaper of record» be so seriously indifferent to or ignorant of the major education issue of our day?»
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