Sentences with phrase «next contest»

It would also raise the stakes for the next contest, in South Carolina on Feb. 27.
Knowing more about her hobbies and interests will help you when you need to choose a prize for your next contest, what to blog about, and what sorts of images to use in your next ad.
Stay tuned for the next contest when the mug will have an original piece of my art assigned to it.
Thanks everyone for participating, and stay tuned for the next contest!
Greg: I'll be there in April when the next contest happens [at the next NYC Hot Sauce Expo].
He needs just 78 yards in the Pirates» next contest to attain the throne.
Just need to shake it off and move on to the next contest..
If that fails, bet $ 200 on the next contest, and so on and so forth ad infinitum.
The Clarets landed a good 2 - 0 home win over Watford last weekend and would probably be pretty happy with a point out of this next contest at Turf Moor.
She is leading in the polls by double digits heading into the next contest, South Carolina, which votes on Saturday.
John Major won the next contest, but Heseltine, an ardent Europhile, returned to the cabinet, rising to deputy prime minister in the last two years of Major's premiership, a period beset with Conservative disputes over the UK's relationship with the EU.
The result gives momentum to the winners ahead of the next contests in South Carolina and Nevada.
Party morale is slowly rebuilding after its ejection from power in 2012, but the long wait until the next contest is making the opposition sag in the middle.
Harriet Harman says the next contest to lead the party should be fought between only female candidates.
Before you start your next contest prep, consider going on a reverse diet to give yourself the best possible fat loss advantage up front, and then implement periodic diet breaks to keep those results coming at a consistent rate.
For a bodybuilder, a long - term goal may be to look better at the next contest 1 - 2 yrs away; however, visual progress may be slow, especially in a highly trained natural athlete.
Stay tuned for our next contest for a Fisherprice IXL E-Reader for KIDS!
Safari Books Online will be hosting its next contest, still in the planning stages, before the end of the year.
I say the next contest should be a choose the device of your choice.
Full contest guidelines will again be available again on Submittable when the next contest period opens.
Remember that the contest takes place every year, so it's never too soon to gear up for our next contest!
Read on to hear about her trip and find out how you can enter our next contest.
We enjoyed looking through each and every one, and we look forward to what everyone has planned for the next contest!
Keep checking back for our next contests later this month.
We know you've been excited for the next contest.
So stay tuned for our next contest in October.
Do try again in our next contest!
The next contest was for a motivational speech.
-LSB-...] can't wait for the next contest!

Phrases with «next contest»

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