Sentences with phrase «next few nights»

Its suppose to get down in the 30's the next few nights and my heart is very sad for him.
I will enjoy one a night for the next few nights.
I have a feeling I'll be making another for the next few nights in a row.
Save whatever ingredients you have leftover after each recipe — you'll need them for the next few nights.
He probably will just avoid sleeping on that side for the next few nights.
I'm a single parent so I didn't have a partner to lean on but if I got through the first night, I'm sure I can handle the next few nights.
On the fourth evening, move the chair a few feet away and do the same for the next few nights, continuing until you're on the other side of that visual barrier and finally comforting her from the doorway.
move the chair half way across the room for the next few nights, but continue to sshhh her.
Do that for the next few nights, depending on how many time zones you've crossed.
For the next few nights, my sleep gradually increased.
Doing that will help make clear the students» homework assignment for the next few nights
Rabbi Merle's Singer's fight against Parkinson's disease is the subject of a documentary being aired over the next few nights on WXEL and WPBT.
When the Waldens knew that Madden was serious about selling his business, they hit the road to Fairbanks and set up shop in the Maddens» basement for the next few nights to hammer out the details of the merger.
It's even cold here in Central FL. 31 degrees the next few nights with a chance of snow flurries!
If home is a sofa bed for the next few nights, place a basket or attractive box nearby to house your guest's things.
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