Sentences with phrase «next manifesto»

The phrase "next manifesto" refers to a future set of ideas or principles that a political party or group plans to present or follow. It outlines their goals or plans for the upcoming period. Full definition
And so I can announce today that in Labour's next manifesto there will be a commitment for a referendum to be held early in the next Parliament it will be for the people to decide whether they want to move to the Alternative Vote.
That's exactly the same approach that I want us to take to the five priorities that we will put on the front of our next manifesto.
My policy suggestion for Brown's next manifesto is that he throws in three or four (preferably four) random bank holidays.
«Nick Clegg plans to include a referendum pledge in his party's next manifesto.
Continue reading «Yesterday's Conservative Policy Forum conference and the next manifesto.
The intention had always been that, at some point mid-Parliament, these committees would «go live» - in other words, start receiving submissions about what should be in the next manifesto.
However you feel about the matter, it highlights the unusual nature of the next manifesto process.
We did so at the invitation and in the company of the Conservative Policy Forum, the Party body charged with helping to draw up the next manifesto, under the charge of Oliver Letwin.
This raises the question of how the groups will dovetail with the Conservative Policy Forum, which is already doing its own policy work on the next manifesto.
Cable's comments come as the Lib Dems spell out their plans for a new «raid on the wealthy» in their next manifesto.
«Labour gambles on Universal Credit failing Main The next manifesto should include «new ideas» from the past»
But I am not aware of anyone on the centre left, or even on the hard left, calling for the next manifesto to be confined to ill - defined angry platitudes.
«Despite what you read in the Sunday newspapers, Cameron's leadership is not in danger Main Yesterday's Conservative Policy Forum conference and the next manifesto.
In a keynote announcement at the start of his party's Brighton conference, Mr Miliband said the next manifesto would include a commitment to scrap the benefit cut — which has been condemned for plunging thousands of council tenants into rent arrears.
25 hours of free childcare for working parents, paid for by increasing the bank levy by # 800m a year; having the OBR audit Labour's spending pledges in its next manifesto; repeating a pledge to reintroduce the 10p bottom tax rate and pay for it with a mansion tax; signing up to the government's post-election spending plans but with a «fairer approach to deficit reduction».
I suggest a brains trust of say half - a-dozen or so of the party's brightest and best could help Oliver Letwin prepare the next manifesto.
«Members out there are extremely concerned because we, as a party, still support the policy of moving towards the abolition of fees and I suspect that we will have something like that in our next manifesto,» Mr Farron said.
I remember speaking to Danny Alexander a couple of years ago and saying that once we reached our manifesto commitment that we ought to then have in the next manifesto a commitment to take everyone on the full - time equivalent of the minimum wage out of paying income tax.
We weren't attempting to rewrite party policy, but rather state what we think should be priorities in the party's next manifesto.
The ultimate authority in the party, Annual Conference decides the policy framework from which the next manifesto will be drawn and sets party rules.
Instead, reformers are meant to be cheered that at least Labour's next manifesto will now include not only the detailed Lords reform plan contained in that draft bill but also a pledge for a referendum on the alternative vote system of election for the Commons.
Clegg told the Guardian on Saturday that a new era of fiscal tightening meant that, among other costly policies, he could not guarantee that his party's # 12bn pledge to scrap tuition fees would be in its next manifesto.
«His generous donation will help the party develop strong policies for our next manifesto
He would be very surprised if the Tories did not propose an answer to the West Lothian Question in their next manifesto;
In particular, Prime Minister David Cameron is keen to include plans for a strike ballot threshold in his party's next manifesto.
Burgon told a fringe event at the Labour conference that the Bach Commission report will form a key part of the party's next manifesto.
The next manifesto is up!

Phrases with «next manifesto»

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