Sentences with phrase «next people»

If he had called the police (another higher authority); should he have called back the next day to talk to next person in command to make sure it was being handled?
The very next person who visits your main website and clicks on any choice and sees a listing they like, they can pick up the phone and call your member and do business.
The very next person that sees it, can call that member and do business!
Otherwise, they can shift to next person immediately after a sequence is finished.
One person may land on a Toady, the next on a Chain Chomp, next person on a Piranha Plant, and to top it all off someone lands on a Wiggler.
Islam can be practiced in the USA Christianity can not be practiced in Iran whats next people of the Jewish faith cant practice those beliefs in Iran...?
It may be different in other areas but honestly once original tenant has had power cut off, I couldn't see how power company could refuse next person living there service, or restore back to owner, that just doesn't make sense.
«You must know that in any moment a decision you make can change the course of your life forever: the very next person stand behind in line or...
Our protagonist is set to be next person in line for sacrifice but before summoned a talking magical book presents itself.
Prestm and kathy by golly who will be next a person who does hear or can not walk they are pulling the wool on poor james
One person may land on a Toady, the next on a Chain Chomp, next person on a Piranha Plant, and to top it all off someone lands on a Wiggler.
The very next person who saw the home after it had been de-cluttered and de-personalized bought it.
I took my parents to In & Out for the first time and felt like such an insider when I told them about this «secret» that isn't really a secret because everyone wants to tell the next person about it.
Instead of having to return the car to where you got it, as Zipcar members do now, the vehicle would drive itself «home» or to the next person who ordered it.
Similarly with the Starbucks secret menu, it gives people a certain sense of accomplishment to order a Frappuccino that the next person might not know about.
My interpretation of the «always smile» rule is different from the next person.
They then have to move onto the next person until they find their ideal match — decided by the system.
If he is unable to serve, the next person in the line of succession acts as president (see the chart below).
Or consider Poo - Pourri (you read that correctly), a real product with a hilarious marketing video that eliminates those less - than - desirable bathroom odors before the next person comes in after you and gags.
You love seasonal cheer and a good networking opportunity as much as the next person, but all that small talk can be about as appealing as getting a root canal for Christmas.
We love tweets as much as the next person (probably more), but sometimes we long for something meatier.
Instead of waiting long periods of time for the next person to speak up, everyone will be prepared to talk through ideas and you'll have a much greater chance of deciding the best course of action that same day.
What will we say to hand it over to the next person?
There's obviously a point at which you need to hire the next person — all the way up to the 200th employee we have today.
Perhaps your own self - talk takes on a similar tone: «I will make a sale to the next person, dang it!»
So the next person gets that too, and our product just gets better and better, and that's what keeps us on the cusp.»
Most likely, he has already moved onto calling the next person on his list.
And while you may think noting that you are well - read shows you to be more thoughtful and knowledgeable than the next person, Oliver cautions that saying you spend a lot of time reading could make you look like a loner.
Maybe you've written an updated job description, put a binder together for the next person, provided extended notice, and more.
Selecting the next person to carry that torch is a responsibility that weighs on de Carvalho - Heineken as she considers how best to protect the company's bottom line and her family's legacy.
The process of logging each call and leaving a voicemail is automated, so your representatives will spend their time moving onto the next person on the list rather than logging call notes into a database.
«The price of virtual currencies rises because of the expectation that the next person will buy it at the desired price and this is quite like a Ponzi scheme.»
«Terrorism is obviously a charged analogy, but it's like terrorism in that you're trying to be gratuitously meaner and more sensational than the next person, like a terrorist who is trying to stand out and shock people,» he said.
Sheryl said the next person who is killed by an AR - 15 like the one used at her school will be the fault of the 71 people who voted no Tuesday.
And I probably enjoy a good après - ski ambience and beautiful winter surroundings even more than the next person.
If you do, that house you have your heart set on will probably go to the next person in line.
The next person to rent that space may not want the same things you do.
But I enjoy a good schuss as much as the next person.
As a matter of fact, the next person you have a casual conversation with could be the very person you've been looking for.
We live in a world where everyone wants to do what the next person is doing without really considering the individuality of things.
Instead of waiting for the next person to fall victim to drugs, let's show love, have faith and point them toward Jesus.
We did this for over half an hour, and by the time we were done the room was criss - crossed with string, string everywhere, so that it was impossible to walk around the room to pass the string on to the next person.
He's just waiting for the next person for him to beat up on for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year.
She picks and chooses on contraception, the next person on adultry, and the next on wether they believe in that guy Jesus.
Now please step down from your pro-Australia soab - box and make room for the next person with a cause to support.
Next person I see wearing a red santa hat I am going to go up to them and ask «Ohh hey you are Jewish aren't you?
«We have just as many problems as the next person,» Morell says.
As for being better than you — I think the whole idea about being «well rounded / complete» sums that up — no one is better than the next person that God should love them more.
This is an example where interpretation can be very dangerous and people allow themselves to be brain washed and follow evil in the name of religious idiology, next people like this will be blaming the woes on our country on the gay / lesbian community, Hitler and Germany come to mind.
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