Sentences with phrase «next redistricting»

"Next redistricting" refers to the process of redrawing the boundaries or divisions of electoral districts, which usually happens every few years. This ensures that the population changes are accounted for, and each district has relatively equal numbers of people. Full definition
Arguably, that's where we need the help the most — Dems only control 30 of the 99 state legislative bodies, and the next redistricting cycle will be upon us before we know it.
The most recent version of the constitutional amendment the legislature is supposed to be committing to, in exchange for Cuomo's approval of their lines, creates a bipartisan (which is not to say «independent») commission to oversee the next redistricting in 2022.
That amendment wouldn't be effective, though, until the next redistricting in 2022.
At the next redistricting which was based upon the 2000 Census, I proposed that the Legislature be reduced from 17 to 15 members.
Given that the next redistricting process begins in 2020, there is still time to get the reforms right.
Under the legislature's latest proposal, which would apply to the next redistricting process in 2021, redistricting plans would have to be approved by a two - thirds majority in each chamber if both chambers are controlled by the same party.
And despite calling for the creation of an «independent commission» for the next redistricting, the bill's language makes it more like a bipartisan committee, since it says the co-executive directors «shall be» from the two parties with the most number of registered voters.
With 2018 as a critical year in setting up the building blocks for the next redistricting process, the time for this work is now.
Dadey said it's possible that LATFOR will still play a role in the next redistricting by providing information to the new bipartisan panel.
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