Sentences with phrase «next rep»

Start with legs in a wide stance and with feet pointing out, squat down so legs are parallel with ground, squeeze the glutes and pulse 3 times, just raising and lowering a little for each pulse and then come up jumping in the air and back with legs and feet in same position to start next rep
That's one rep. Next rep, lead with the left foot.
You start each set with a high weight that is hard for you to complete successfully for a given amount of reps or failure, then, once you've finished those reps, you immediately drop the weight by 5 - 10 pounds and crank out the next reps, and so on until you've gotten to the lowest weight you want to use and you can barely feel your muscle anymore.
If athletes are still breathing heavy while performing their next rep, then coaches have to realize their athletes are training for condition as they have not recovered enough to achieve maximum speeds required for speed training.
But even with this lower rest to work ratios, as a trainer, I know I'm still getting enough recovery so my athletes can go hard the next rep or set.
By focusing on getting that next rep or pushing through that last mile, exercise acts as a form of meditation, allowing your mind to quiet and stop worrying for even just a short time.
When you get back to square one, your lats should be stretched, so keep doing the next rep exactly as you did that one.
You will fight to get the 15 reps, then instead of racking the bar you keep it on your shoulders and rest / breath long enough to get the next rep, and the next, then the next.
Perform your next rep without a break.
That means take 3 seconds to lower the weight, pause at the bottom for 1 second, press it back up as fast as possible, and then don't rest at the top position — immediately start your next rep by lowering it slowly for 3 seconds.
As you begin your next rep and the kettlebell is somewhere around your waist, get right back to mirroring the working arm as you hinge.
Push the bar off your chest as fast as possible, letting it go at the top.As you catch it on its descent, immediately move into the next rep by bringing the bar to your chest and exploding back up.
The bar will land over your forefoot, which makes your next rep harder and more stressful for your lower back, because the proper setup includes pulling the bar from your mid-foot.
Now, perform 1 full rep.. On the next rep you'll go all the way down but only 1/4 of the way up.
Hold for 1 second at the top, and as you uncurl and lower untwist your body before repeating the next rep going to the same side.
The occasional time you attempt that next rep and don't make it... don't worry about.
Since progressive overload is such a key, it's important to try to get that next rep.. That's why I think sometimes, when you feel you may be able to get that next rep, and you try it, and you hit failure... that's okay.
Bring the leg back to start and repeat with the other leg for 5 or more reps.. Once you're able to complete 20 reps on each leg, without losing the abdominal contraction, move to the next
At the top of the chin, set your feet back down on the floor, and without releasing your grip on the bar, immediately go into the next rep of the barbell curl.
For the next rep do the same movements for the sit up but swing the weight to the right side.
This is one rep.. Then bring it down again and come back down into a squat and on the next rep do a woodchop bringing the weight up high to the other side.
This is one rep.. For the next rep repeat these movements but start with Ugi at the opposite side for the Russian twist and alternate starting sides for each rep.
This is one rep.. For the next rep place Ugi on the ground on the outer side of your foot on the opposite side from where it started and continue doing these movements from this side.
This is one rep.. On the next rep do a row on the opposite side and continue alternating sides for each rep.
Forcibly «chop» the weight to the left side of your body, and then on the next rep, to the right side of your body.
On the next rep during the crunch, in the same manner, transfer the dumbbell back to the hand it started in and continue with passing dumbbell from hand to hand for each rep.
For the next rep swing the sandbag in the same manner but in the opposite direction as you lunge back with the other leg, and again reverse movements coming back to your start position.
On the next rep, move your left elbow in the direction of your right knee.
During the next rep, attempt to touch your left hand to your right knee.
For the next rep, you curl up and twist to the right side, with your left elbow meeting your right knee.
This is one rep.. For the next rep do the same thing but walk back over to the left side while doing 3 squats to reach the other end, your start position, lowering and lifing Ugi with each step and ending in an Ugi burpee.
Start in a standing position and and lower on knee down then the next knee down until you are kneeling then slide your knee forward and use that to bring both knees back up into a standing position — start the next rep with the opposite leg.
If at any point you feel like a single was challenging, and you are not sure you could hit the next rep, stop.
For each set you will perform as many reps as possible, stopping a set when you feel like you might fail on the next rep, or when your form starts to slip.
This is one rep.. On the next rep bring hands between legs towards ground and for the third rep bring down hands to the left side, continue alternating bringing hands down to these 3 points.
Therefore, once the bar gets grounded again, alter your setup stance if needed (breathe in the air, exert pressure on your abs, maintain a good spinal position, puff out your chest, position the shoulder in a downward position, etc.) and take up the next rep intensely.
This is one rep.. For the next rep step out to the left side and repeat the movements to the left and continue in this manner alternating sides for each rep.
When you do a touch - and - go, you control the weight all the way down, touch the weight to the floor just long enough for the weight to settle, then begin the next rep, maintaining a firm grip on the bar the entire time
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