Sentences with phrase «next time you feel»

So next time you feel the need to vent, just be cognizant of the distinction between brooding and reflecting.
Next time you feel the need to pull out your phone and capture the moment, soak it in with your eyes and appreciate it.
In your workplace, the next time you feel a need to criticize one of your employees, be sure to remember how player - focused coaches do it:
Next time you feel compelled to look up a quote on a stock you own, ask yourself, «why» you are doing so?
I would rather I save my sanity from reading such stupid posts... please feel free to keep your inner ignorance to yourself then next time you feel like ranting... Mr Reality Whatever... are you a product of the public school system?
So, the next time you feel yourself nodding off in church, remember what your God has done, and remember that you are part of the greatest and most exciting story that has ever been told.
So the next time you feel a little out of sorts and that life is less than you had hoped, look up and smile.
Next time you feel the need to criticize someone's spelling you should make sure you know the difference between «your» and «you are».
Next time you feel yourself getting worked up about someone's theology, how about getting worked up about helping people instead?
I hope you bloodthirsty jackals remember this story the next time you feel like commenting that we should just execute people instead of imprisoning them.
Next time you feel that tinge of arrogance attempting to assert itself into your thought process, go ahead and repress it.
So the next time you feel like swearing, cursing, or lying even; think about the impact Noah's words had on Ham and Canaan, simply because his nakedness was discovered.
Next time you feel inner peace, or experience perfect love wash over you, or feel an overwhelming sense of compassion and brotherhood with all humanity, listen in that moment to what those feelings, promptings and stirrings are telling you to do — how to live, lead, create and initiate.
So, the next time I feel stressed or overwhelmed at work, I'm likely to reach for a sweet treat because I remember that it made me feel better the last time.
I think I'll try that next time I feel like having a good buffalo sauce / hot sauce.
So next time you feel like having some pancakes but are also in the mood for something savoury, you know what to do, right!?
Pinning this so I remember to make it the next time I have people over (or more likely the next time I feel like pigging out!)
Next time feel free to add more liquid and continue simmering until the quinoa is cooked through.
Miso is beneficial to the immune system; so whip it up next time you feel a cold coming on for added support.
That was fun guys, but next time you feel the need to play a game double the length it should be without any sort of scoring or offense please reconsider.
Lovely memories, lots to ponder next time I feel like chucking the dog at the telly when a player screws up..
She had become constipated and was holding back going at all whether in a pull up or not turning into a vicious cycle of painful times and then trauma for the next time she felt the urge.
Next time you feel the need to say something to a formula feeding mom, stop and think, «Am I being kind?»
Keep a list of these handy for the next time you feel a cold creeping up — or just stock your bathroom with them so you'll be ready to fight off whatever may come your way.
Next time you feel your pulse quicken as you move into a negative state at a youth sports event Park suggests you try circle breathing.
My boy is 23 months now, since he was born we decided to let him see us going to the bathroom, we got him a small potty that looks like ours an just put it near toilet, he only liked to sit on it with his feet inside it until this Christmas we gave him a few potty books between his presents, after we read them only once to him next time he felt the need to go immediately told us «popo - pipi» and have been doing it since then.
The more oxygen you get, the less tense, short of breath, and anxious you feel.So the next time you feel stressed, take a minute to slow down and breathe deeply:
So next time you feel guilt for something, feel judged by someone, feel shamed by information, feel angry at being challenged on your parenting — use it.
Feeling understood triggers soothing biochemicals; that neural pathway you're strengthening each time he feels soothed is what he'll use to soothe himself next time he feels upset.
So next time you feel the urge to throw out the D - word in the middle of a fight, pause to consider your words carefully.
So next time you feel the need to apologize for or excuse how your baby is fed, instead, say to yourself «I am enough.
This way, my son was able to internalize the idea that he is indeed a kind and loving person, and he can therefore feel empowered to make a better decision the next time these feelings present themselves.
The next time you feel so angry, I want you to walk away.
Next time you feel the flu coming on, think twice before reaching for painkillers — they could do more harm than good.
NEXT time you feel a surge of attraction for a stranger, ponder this: is your ardour based partly on shared genetic ancestry?
The next time you feel the need to order anything fried try supplementing with healthier options like avocados and raw nuts — which are high in «good» fats.
The next time you feel like a fish out of water, think of the Pacific leaping blenny.
The next time you feel stressed:
Next time you feel the craving of a hunger that can't be satiated, explore the origins of that hunger before reaching for the peanut butter and chocolate.
So next time you feel like you want to run and never come back or bite someone's head off, breathe.
So, the next time you feel the desire to eat emotionally, realize that you are being called to look a little deeper at what is really going on inside of you and how you are really feeling.
So the next time you feel anger, rather than taking it out on yourself through suppression, or on others through aggression, ask yourself what is the purpose of this generally unwelcome emotion?
Next time you feel too tired to have sex, remind yourself that sexual energy is your superfood, nuclear power and means to spiritually uplift yourself.
These might just be the only tips simple enough for us to ACTUALLY remember them next time we feel a panic attack coming on.
The next time you feel those uncomfortable feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, or anger, turn toward them and go along with it.
So next time you feel the fire within, remember that anger needn't be a negative emotion — use its effects positively and your body will thank you.
Instead of reaching for that bottle of Advil the next time you feel a headache coming on, try this yoga sequence instead.
Next time you feel the dreaded twinge of a UTI, try this: Boil some water, steep a bunch of parsley in it for 10 minutes and then drink up, recommends Param Dedhia, MD, internal - medicine physician at Canyon Ranch Resort and Spa, in Tucson, Ariz..
So the next time you feel like cooking... make lots of extras and then the next night you can have another fabulous meal with very little effort.
The next time you feel the nudge to grab a kombucha or mineral water on your way into the office instead of your usual cup of joe, act on this impulse of self - love.
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