Sentences with phrase «next time you find»

Try any or all of these ideas the next time you find yourself bored at work, and turn your boredom into a higher salary.
Next time you find yourself creatively blocked, letting your imagination play in a consequence - free way, might just be the answer.
Next time you find yourself needing to pitch to someone, use Aristotle's three elements of persuasion.
Let us say, the next time we find ourselves stuck: This is an opportunity for me.
So the next time you find yourself lying awake in bed at 2AM, struggling to put together your sales pitch, simply turn on your TV and tune in to the secret formula you've been looking for.
Think of this next time you find yourself comparing your life to someone else's life, or when you feel jealousy begin to take over.
Next time find a person that understands the Catholic teaching on contraception.
Next time you find yourself frustrated or angry at God or life or other people, remind yourself of the things you can always have hope in.
The next time you find yourself in an argument with your spouse or feel an all - too - familiar disappointment, step back for a moment.
In another scene, the novel scolds men for resisting this liberated view of sex, as Langdon reminisces about a lecture he'd recently given to undergraduates: «The next time you find yourself with a woman, look in your heart and see if you can approach sex as a mystical, spiritual act.
So next time you find yourself with a surplus of butternut squash and a shortage on time, whip this up, I promise you will love it.
this comment doesn't pertain to the spring ragout recipe (which i will try the next time I find fresh fava beans), BUT I wanted to tell all of Heidi's fans that Super Natural Cooking made Chow Hound's list of top 10 veggie - phile cookbooks, joining (deservedly) the ranks of the Moosewood Cookbook and the Chez Panisse Cookbook.
Next time I find a large ripe tomato at the store I shall try all these combos!
So next time you find yourself in need of a quick, healthy snack or light lunch, whip up a batch of spinach dip, grab a healthy cracker of two, and get dipping!
Next time I find myself in Vancouver, you can bet I will be making a stop at Butter.
Easygoing if a bit humdrum, the biscuity and gently bitter lager should be your go - to the next time you find yourself in Armenia.
He acknowledged it was his best chance to win a Cup race in 27 starts, and he learned things that would make him better next time he found himself in a similar situation.
The next time you find the steam rising inside you as you listen to what you perceive is a critique of your parenting abilities, before you do anything, reflect on the situation.
So the next time you find a perfect pair of jeans, buy a couple of them in different colors.
So the next time you find yourself heading into a power struggle, consider trying some of these strategies instead:
Here are some parenting mistakes made by even the best - intentioned, most well - informed moms, along with practical suggestions that might come in handy the next time you find yourself in one of these situations.
Make it a point to visit them the next time you find yourself in Louisville!
There are plenty of diaper changing hacks out there that are sure to make your life easier the next time you find yourself dealing with a messy bum.
The next time you find yourself telling your kids to hurry the fuck up for the ten millionth time, consider giving this approach a try.
the next time you find yourself wondering it.
The next time you find yourself wondering which vitamins you should consider taking to help supplement your health as well as your child's, don't forget about the great products listed here.
So next time you find yourself with a beer in hand, or nearby, use the opportunity to have a good look.
So the next time you find yourself sympathizing with someone who looks sad, thank the part of your brain that feels you frown.
Next time you find yourself in a bad mood, don't try to put on a happy face — instead tackle a project that has been stymieing you.
So the next time you find yourself in an awkward Christmas party or at a wedding wondering whether or not to get up and groove, just do it», claims Dr. Tarr.
Next time you find yourself in the pose that you love to loathe, notice your reaction to it.
The next time you find yourself sprinting to the kitchen with dreams of devouring BBQ chips by the fistful, stop and take this quick survey instead.
The next time you find yourself doing this, ask yourself, «If this is the perfect person to help me become who I'm meant to be, what am I supposed to be learning from this relationship?»
So next time you find yourself facing «alone time,» and don't know what to do or feel anxious about it, use the time as an opportunity to ask yourself questions.
Snap a photo — the next time you find yourself with «nothing to wear» just scroll through your pics for the perfect outfit.
The next time you find yourself twiddling your thumbs, take a moment to look closely at them... you never know what you may learn.
So, next time you find yourself alone, pop on your favorite Mozart, meditation, or easy - listening music, and tune in to the calming world of sound.
Next time you find yourself in the long grocery line, or in one - legged downward - facing dog pose, instead of re-playing your unfriendly performance review from your boss in your head, make the most of the moment you are in.
The next time you find yourself feeling anxious or worried, instead of trying to get rid of the panic, imagine that it's a little 4 - year - old child who has come running into your room after a nightmare.
So the next time you find yourself in a barre fitness class barely able to stand, remember that this too shall pass, and you soon become one of those laughing, joyous barre - lievers who are trembling for more.
Next time you find yourself in a stressful situation, try this breathing technique and I assure you it will help you calm the f**k down!
The next time you find yourself reaching for food, stop and examine your motives.
The next time you find yourself turning to food in a stressful situation, stop and consider engaging in another activity until the craving passes.
The next time you find yourself feeling like you're the only mom on the planet that doesn't have your shit together, feel free to think of this mom in Minnesota.
The next time you find yourself with extra herbs, consider making a DIY pesto.
The next time you find yourself in the midst of a snack - tornado, stop and do a little check in.
Try practicing satya the next time you find yourself resisting the thing you know you need the most.
So the next time you find yourself reeling with an agonizing fear or a depressing thought, notice the negative habit, toss it out, and use your creativity to develop a more positive outlook on the world.
The next time you find yourself with unscheduled time, fight through the impulse to message a friend or turn some music on.
The next time you find yourself at a similar crossroads — where you can take the path of least resistance, or be brave and honor your truth — I encourage you to choose truth.
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