Sentences with phrase «nice about making that decision»

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@FFF — nice reply and on the whole I agree but as regards Walcott, whatever about his movement off the ball when he doesn't have it, but when he does have the ball his decision making has always been poor and his finishing in terms of % of chances taken is well below the level required for a top team.
It's nice to hear about the owners involvement, especially when they don't [negatively] encroach on the people they hired to make decisions like these.
Nice to know that even if none of us was able to make a decision about weaning, we are all here in the same boat.
It would be nice to be able to select several schools and compare them on one screen when making a decision about local schools.
It's a passage that I immediately gravitated to when I first read it, and it does a nice job of summarizing how I think about my investment approach: methodically making many different investment decisions that as a group end up yielding excellent results over time.
Their only mistakes were not looking out for themselves by ignoring information like this page, needing to be herded into making a buying decision by a slick salesperson in a nice suit (AKA just being a sheeple led by their shepherd), and thinking «the government» is actually out doing something about these types of abuses.
Ever since the well - dressed villain in Far Cry 4 was revealed, people have made some decisions about his sexuality, being what you might suspect would be assumed about a guy with a nice suit and flashy haircut.
Much like the video about Findhorne Ecovillage that I posted on back in August, it would have been nice to hear a little more about the decision making process at CAT, methods of conflict resolution etc..
In short, CSR moves from being a quaint notion about doing nice things to being understood as meaningful to the culture of the company when the number of women in decision - making roles increases.
It is nice to see there is a strong emphasis on lawyers being ultimately responsible for making informed decisions about the benefits and risks of placing client data in the cloud.
Moreso than ever before, it is about being crystal clear on your value proposition — what not only makes you unique (yes, your uniqueness is nice to know and often will perk up the hiring manager's or recruiter's ears), but it also is about why you matter to that hiring decision - maker.
what not only makes you unique (yes, your uniqueness is nice to know and often will perk up the hiring manager's or recruiter's ears), but it also is about why you matter to that hiring decision - maker.
Buyers who are looking for a nice property to move into will make decisions about a home and about a neighborhood based on first impressions.
I was a bit nervous about the table not being glossy and whether i may have made the wrong decision after placing the order as my kitchen is a gloss finish but it actually looks really nice and breaks up my finishes slightly, it does still have a lovely sheen on it.
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