Sentences with phrase «nice arguments»

Nice argument to focus in whole body workout instead of just kick some muscles.
The Dallas International Film Festival opened with the new film Words and Pictures, which really displays a nice argument between which art form is more powerful and important.
Nice argument.
Andrew Hallam presents a nice argument (as do you) for viewing stocks as reserve funds to take advantage of a downturn rather than just something you expect to return the standard bond return from.
That's some nice arguments you guys got.
The fact that Fat Princess Adventures has been developed with four - player co-op in mind becomes even more evident when you notice any discovered items are shared among all players — a nice argument avoider, especially when playing with younger folk.
# 84 Roger, Nice arguments, they are trivial at best, of no real consequence aside from flaunting semantics.
That is a great article with a nice argument against (& for) shiplap.
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