Sentences with phrase «nice lifestyle»

I live a very nice lifestyle and would love someone to share the generosity with me.
A catalogue too with nice lifestyle as well as cut - out shots of your products is always a nice addition and gives a flavour of how your work would fit in the prospective shop of the buyer.
Let's assume that you've already weighed the advantages of renting versus buying, You know that owning your own home has financial benefits in terms of tax relief and equity appreciation, owning has nice lifestyle benefits and you can make alterations to suit your own taste.
With just a 3 % annual net return from their investments, Feigs calculates the couple's portfolio will be worth $ 950,000 shortly after Mike turns 55, allowing them to withdraw $ 56,000 net annually — enough to finance a very nice lifestyle.
Starting a tech franchise might not automatically make you the next Bill Gates, but it could provide a nice lifestyle for you.
In a subsequent question that asked which work life goals they had already achieved, 48 % of Millennials said, «to work just enough to have a nice lifestyle» — a goal that didn't even make the top five on Gen - Xers» and Boomers» priority lists.
All these nice lifestyle perks provide a fresh twist to what is usually found in most cookbooks.
Who are more hungry than you for the sport rather than the pay check and nice lifestyle.
Your house and clothing are gorgeous, I'm sure you do well financially as a photographer and get discounts and freebies via the blog but I'm still left scratching my head as to how one can afford such a nice lifestyle?
They are like all other women in that they want love, a family, a nice lifestyle, nice things and someone to treat them with respect.
I'm not filthy rich but have a nice lifestyle.
Downsizing follows a kindly occupational therapist who undergoes a new procedure to be shrunken to four inches tall so that he and his wife can help save the planet and afford a nice lifestyle at the same time.
I have a nice lifestyle, I live in a beautiful home, I have a new car, I travel frequently and I have a flexible lifestyle.
Roommates are often a great way to cut costs while still maintaining a nice lifestyle and central location.
Earning twice the average will certainly set you up for a nice lifestyle!
He has done quite well in his career and provides a nice lifestyle for his wife and kids.
Small rooms offer a nice lifestyle with contemporary comfort and a hint of luxury.
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