Sentences with phrase «nice little nest egg»

You have a nice little nest egg already.
By showing up in a Chicago Bears uniform for two games, quarterback Greg Landry became eligible for a nice little nest egg — $ 70,000 in NFL «severance pay.»
Saving for the future is something that we should all be trying to achieve, no matter our age and situation, because you never know what is around the corner and it always pays to have a nice little nest egg tucked away for retirement.
And by selling their acre of prime real estate — a decision forced on the post by soaring property taxes — they will have a nice little nest egg to fall back on for years to come.
Soon you'll have a nice little nest egg that can cover many repair issues that come up.
I ended up owning two homes by the age of 24 and was well on my way to building a nice little nest egg for retirement.
Now as I get closer to retirement, I see that cash value building to the point I will have a nice little nest egg that will cover many age - related expenses that are bound to come up.
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