Sentences with phrase «nice long list»

Most of us could create nice long lists of things that we're good at or able to do, but that list of competencies doesn't necessarily fit our dream job descriptions.
Nice long list of great companies paying you as well.
Also, once you found a couple of blogs you think are right for your book, browse their blog roll because you will often find a very nice long list of other blogs in the same genre.
-- Uh-huh, and «theists» have a nice long list of crusaders, terrorists, Israelis raining bombs all over civilian neighborhoods, and George W. Bush.
If you're like me, you could probably make a nice long list of excuses to skip your workout and, though you may not be able to get rid of this voice entirely, knowing it's there and how to deal with it is crucial for making the right choice.
As usual, a nice long list of varied dividend payers hitting your account.
That in itself isn't a problem, but sometimes it can feel a little laborious to scroll through pages upon pages of thick tiles instead of a nice long list, especially when using one of the system's more common apps like Achievements or your Friends List.
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