Sentences with phrase «nice supplement»

In essence, that EQ tests are a nice supplement to traditional evaluation techniques to consider but not a replacement for them.
Higher mineral content and micronutrients make wild foraged foods healthy for us and a nice supplement to an already well - balanced modern diet.
But I think this is a nice supplement for him that reinforces the prereading skills he's developing right now.
Some teaching experience — and evidence of a commitment to teaching — is a nice supplement.
There's also a version that includes collagen, a nice supplement for the fact that, unlike traditional nut butters, granola butter wouldn't naturally be rich in protein.
Bonus: the small amounts of iron that leach into food as it cooks is a nice supplement to your diet, and is particularly helpful for people with anemia.
Occlusion training isn't a better option than heavy training, but that said it is a nice supplement.
While numbers are a nice supplement, what really won me over is the sheer level of quality and excitement that is exuded each and every game.
Remakes are a nice supplement, but if it's not a good idea, then it's just not a good idea.
Twilight Time has re-released the film in a limited edition Blu - ray with some nice supplements to round out the viewing experience.
Also keep in mind that a lot of print occurs on Amazon, where print on demand books can account for a nice supplement of sales.
I am granted a small number of shares annually, which is a nice supplement to my income when I do move to sell those shares.
The SPP is a nice supplement for most but as you mentioned $ 2,500 a year isn't much and other avenues for saving (TFSA) would also need to be used
For Alice, having a 30 - year TIPS laddered portfolio of USD 10,000 real income each year would be a nice supplement to her other sources of income from Social Security benefits and defined - contribution retirement savings.
Do you regard dividends as a nice supplement to your investments or as an essential part of your investment strategy?
The added benefits of the Citi Diamond Preferred Card are not as generous as benefits offered by many other cards, but they are a nice supplement to the introductory APR..
However, it's a nice supplement, especially if you plan on doing a great deal of shopping through the end of the year.
This is a nice supplement to professor Archer's climate modelling course.
While not every donation calls for that much money, growing your hair out to donate once or twice a year can make for a nice supplement to your income.
Hobby section would be a nice supplement to your resume in order to let the Recruiter or Hiring Manager get some idea of your personality and likes.
You'll have plenty of time to ride out any swings in the market, and your rental income will be a nice supplement to your day job.
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