Sentences with phrase «nickel oxide»

The trick worked because relevant phonon peaks can be seen with much better resolution in the spectrum of nickel oxide under ultraviolet laser excitation,» Balandin added.
Researchers at the Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute and Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, have developed a new catalyst based on nickel oxide on magnesium oxide (NiO / MgO) that is effective for the bi-reforming with steam and CO2 (combined steam and dry reforming) of methane as well as natural gas... Read more →
For this reason, electrically insulating magnetic materials, such as nickel oxide, can be used for memory storage and information processing.
«It's poised for superconductivity in a way not found in other nickel oxides.
Stable solar - driven oxidation of water by semiconducting photoanodes protected by transparent catalytic nickel oxide films.
However, repeated cycling caused «over-hydration'that trapped water molecules inside the thin film structure — a development that degrades electrochromic activity by generating irreversibly colored nickel oxide hydroxide grains.
The currently used nickel oxide, is not very efficient, toxic and requires organic solvents to work in the cell.
«Mysteries of a promising spintronic material revealed: Nickel oxide holds promise for spintronic devices.»
Researchers at UC Riverside used an unconventional approach to determine the strength of the electron spin interactions with the optical phonons in antiferromagnetic nickel oxide (NiO) crystals.
«We hope that our results will contribute to better understanding of mechanisms of spin wave interactions with the crystal lattice vibrations, and energy loss channels in nickel oxide devices,» Balandin said.
The new device relies on a metallic blend of nickel and nickel oxide nanostructures, which help split water into oxygen and hydrogen fuel.
Because nickel oxide is transparent, the researchers could shoot a laser pulse lasting just a trillionth of a second through it to reach the top nickel iron layer.
The nickelate that the Argonne team has created is a quasi-two-dimensional trilayer compound, meaning that it consists of three layers of nickel oxide that are separated by spacer layers of praseodymium oxide.
Nurmikko and his colleagues used a slice of a material made up of layers of nickel iron at the bottom and nickel oxide on top.
But, he added, «It's poised for superconductivity in a way not found in other nickel oxides.
Nickel oxide (NiO) is a low - cost, inorganic compound widely used as an anode material inside smart windows because it is a reversible color - changer.
The most important of these are two layers of tungsten oxide and nickel oxide, both about a third of a micrometer thick.
Our nickel oxide anode only transforms into metallic nickel through nanoscale inhomogeneities or defects in the surface structure, a bit like chinks in the anode's armor.»
To see the way the lithium - ions reacted with the nickel oxide, the scientists used a suite of custom - written software to digitally reconstruct the three - dimensional nanostructures with single - nanometer resolution.
«Lead titanate likely would not have been the first choice of most materials scientists because its structure is so dissimilar to nickel oxide,» Isayev said.
«Despite the fact that nickel oxide has been studied for many years, mysteries remained,» Balandin said.
This nickel oxide compound does not superconduct, said John Mitchell, an Argonne Distinguished Fellow and associate director of the laboratory's Materials Science Division, who led the project, which combined crystal growth, X-ray spectroscopy, and computational theory.
A team of researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory has identified a nickel oxide compound as an unconventional but promising candidate material for high - temperature superconductivity.
And now they've found that adding trace amounts of what O'Hayre calls «magic pixie dust» — actually copper oxide and nickel oxide — to their ceramic mixture enables them to reduce the temperature to 1450 °C, below the threshold where barium vaporizes.
Nickel oxide is antiferromagnetic: atoms in adjoining layers point in opposite directions.
The apparatus is one of few in the world that can create the extreme conditions needed to grow single crystals of the nickel oxide compound Pr4Ni3O8.
To make the nickel oxide coating, the researchers used a technique which involves smashing atoms of argon into a pellet of nickel atoms at high speed.
Ke Sun's reflection onto a sample coating with the nickel oxide film his team developed.
The coating is a nickel oxide film that prevents rusts building - up on the semiconductor electrodes (silicon or gallium arsenide), while also acting as a highly reactive catalysis.
In accordance with the standards of the day, Inco emitted refinery dust (nickel oxide) into the air from a giant smoke stack, much of which settled on its neighbours.
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