Sentences with phrase «niggling voice»

Yet, there is a niggling voice, if we are attuned to it, which yearns for a safe place — «where I can be myself.»
There is one niggling voice at the back of my mind though.
So many of us still have that niggling voice of doubt in the back of our minds that tells us we aren't real authors unless our books are in print.
Despite my son being born super healthy and thriving ever since, I always had a niggling voice in the back of my mind that wished we'd have been able to conceive naturally.
Sometimes those little niggling voices pipe up (usually at inconvenient times) and fill us up with yuck.
Sometimes those little niggling voices pipe up (usually at...

Not exact matches

However, the voice that is all too familiar to most of us is the niggling whisper of fear.
The quality of the voice work varies greatly, with many peripheral characters playing to the camera like exaggerated horror film stereotypes but Crane's solid vocal performance and the high quality of the soundtrack and the environmental sounds more than makes up for this minor niggle.
Solid gameplay, charming voice work and smart use of «waggle» make the game enjoyable, but lack of Vsync and certain other niggles hold it back from becoming truly great.
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