Sentences with phrase «night difference»

The up and down of waves can be compared with the day - night difference in temperature, the coming and going of the tides to summer and winter.
We are talking a $ 153 one night difference!!
«In these environments that are dominated by marine plants, photosynthesis and respiration cause large differences in CO2 concentrations and the addition of anthropogenic carbon make these day - to - night differences even larger than they would be without that extra carbon,» said George Waldbusser, an Oregon State marine ecologist and co-author on the study, who serves as Pacella's Ph.D. adviser.
That said, there isn't a day and night difference between the modes, and «Auto» mode works just fine for the daily drive.
But when I cancelled at the last minute and switched reservations to the Timothy Beach Resort to try to save some $ $ ($ 175 / night difference in price), and then wound up not liking TBR much at all, I came back to the Marriott.
A day and night difference!!
It's really a day and night difference; when he plays Hynkel, Chaplin becomes a man unleashed and a force of nature.
Check out our coverage, «Two New MGS V: The Phantom Pain Screenshots, Shows Snake With Wounds, Day / Night Differences».
Even if the one in the 488 is a bit more charismatic its still not NA so its not day and night difference.
Between Xbox One and PS4, the difference is there, just not some day and night difference.
They have a noticable effect on the diurnal variation (day / night difference), by blocking some sunlight, and also blocking some outgoing longwave radiation.
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