Sentences with phrase «night level»

Test your defense with survival night levels filled with tornado and storm power challenges!
Bijou are a perfect a desk cheese for you and your office BFF to split, or as a sophisticated sneak - in to a movie (date night level: pro).
An upgraded room will only cost an additional 1,000 — 2,750 SPG points above the free night level.
Furthermore, night levels require a rabbit's foot in your racing pants, as instead of headlights it appears that some sickly fireflies have been glued to the front of the car, and the headlights stop just 6 feet in front of the car.
If you feel like returning to Modern Warfare 2 just to see why you spent those countless nights leveling during your Christmas break in 2009, then March 8th would be a great time to do so, and remember, the PS3 gets it first.
A year or two later, they introduced a 100 night level, where you get Starwood Ambassador status, including access to a single point of contact with SPG for all of your needs.
Instead, Sonic will be transported through a world very familiar to the NiGHTS level Splash Garden.
The night levels were fantastic, it was just pitch black except the lights from the cars, the smaller little lights present on the side lines and the bright lit buildings that covered the backdrop.
Sonic Team's «were - hog» night levels were slow and plodding, and Sonic just isn't supposed to be slow.
The world is rather locked, would have been nice to see weather and the night levels didn't seem dark enough.
New Super Mario Bros. 2: A night level of this game has platforms that look like they are copied from the overworld levels of Super Mario Bros. 2
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