Sentences with phrase «night temperature swing»

For example, as a hotter, higher mass analog of WASP - 43b, KELT - 16b may feature an atmospheric temperature - pressure inversion and day - to - night temperature swing extreme enough for TiO to rain out at the terminator.
With a greater day - to - night temperature swing than any other appellation in California, distinct microclimates, diverse soils and a long growing season, Paso Robles is a unique wine region blessed with optimal growing conditions for producing premium and ultra-premium wines.

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Being able to use multiple swaddle blankets makes it more versatile for environments with big temperature swings between night and day.
Unlike other ring lasers, which were fixed to blocks of Zerodur — a ceramic resistant to temperature changes — ROMY's steel tubes flex with the temperature swings of day and night.
Extreme temperatures, which routinely swing from zero degrees Celsius in the afternoon to minus 100 degrees at night (roughly from freezing to minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit), produce another alien effect.
Now he and his love interest must find their way off the global penitentiary that swings between arctic temperatures by night and incinerating heat by day.
On top of this, you have the changing conditions from the middle of the night to the heat of the afternoon that can result in a 70 - degree swing in track temperature.
Each morning the red dawn came and all day long was the blazing and deadening heat, but the night could be freezing cold with a swing in temperature of thirty degrees be-tween high noon and midnight.
You can make Belize your favorite Valentine this month because the dry season is in full swing, temperatures remain in that 70 - to 80 - degree F range, nights are cool enough to wear the wrap you just snared on a shop's clearance rack and days are heavenly.
In the U.S., interest in Trombe walls emerged in the 1970s, aided by researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico... Trombe walls are particularly well - suited to sunny climates that have high diurnal (day - night) temperature swings, such as the mountain - west.
Milk production due to climate change will vary across the U.S., since there are significant differences in humidity and how much the temperature swings between night and day across the country.
And places where little stored heat are sand desert regions - where you get large swings in temperatures during day and night cycle.
Yes, the house went thru a 11 * F temperature swing, but that's very livable for us, I like it cooler at night for sleeping, and that's the most extreme temperature swing it goes thru.
With earth tropical ocean it's about swing day / night of around 5 C and land or desert around 20 C degrees of swing in temperature.
That explains why the desert is known for rapid temperature swings — hot days and cold nights — while coastal areas are noted for their moderate climates, with day and nighttime temperatures closer together, he said.
Air with low absolute humidity has far less ability to buffer daytime heating thus you get larger temperature swings between day and night.
Here on the Pacific Coast, we have sea breezes that cool during the day, fog that cools even more at night, a large swing between day and night temperatures, and nobody can convince me that passive isn't enough.
This graph shows the remarkable performance of a Passive House — in this case where there was a heat wave with the temperature swinging from 50 °F to 86 °F between day and night; inside, the temperature (yellow line) moves only 5 °F.
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