Sentences with word «nightside»

One possible explanation is that the Hubble observations were more sensitive to the perpetual dark nightside of the planet where the atmosphere is slightly colder and the photochemical mechanisms that destroy methane are less efficient than on the dayside.
A molecule containing three oxygen atoms, computer models suggest that ozone on Venus is formed when sunlight breaks up carbon dioxide molecules and releases oxygen atoms, which are swept around to the planet's nightside by winds where they can then combine to form unstable, three - atom ozone molecules, as well as much more stable, two - atom molecules essential for animals.
The extreme difference between day - and nightside temperatures suggests 55 Cancri has no appreciable atmosphere, because winds should redistribute heat between the two hemispheres.
He thinks the planet might have a mineral - vapor atmosphere that condenses as lava rain or rock snow on the cold nightside.
The dayside of a planet close to an M dwarf, however, might become so hot that water escapes to space; on the frigid nightside, the atmosphere could freeze to the surface.
And can be seen at the officer's club nightside in his perfectly pressed whites with a slow gin fizz in his hand.
Any planet in such a star's habitable zone is close enough to be tidally locked into a perpetually blazing dayside and frigid eternal nightside or, worse, shredded by tidal forces.
Twice the size of Jupiter, KELT - 9b is likely to be tidally locked, with a scorching dayside always facing the star and a cooler nightside facing away.
There is the possibility that they might detect some natural nightside airglow — an emission of light in the upper atmosphere produced when atoms broken apart by the solar wind recombine to form molecules, releasing energy in the form of light.
Then they ran their simulations considering a few hypothetical orbits for Proxima b, including one in which the planet is tidally locked, with a permanent dayside and a permanent nightside, and an orbit similar to that of Mercury.
Love those green and white accent pillows and that chic mirrored nightside table!
In the colour - coded image, which simultaneously shows dayside and nightside auroral activity, the most intense levels of activity are red, and the lowest levels are blue.
AOES Medialab, ESA Alternative, larger and jumbo illustrations of hydroxyl in Venus» nightside by ESA and C. Carreau.
«Oh the other hand, we'd also be in constant darkness because of tidal locking, and blasted by hurricane - force winds because of the dayside - nightside temperature contrast.
A key finding of this research indicates that there is still no clear understanding of how the material that is moving from the hot dayside of the planet onto the cold nightside both cools and alters it chemical composition.
This will reveal both the signatures of atmospheric ingredients such as water, methane, and carbon dioxide, and also how heat flows from the planet's dayside to its nightside.
The nightside of the planet is actually quite hot.
It didn't have to be the case — it could have been that these planets were very, very hot on the dayside and very cold on the nightside, but apparently there are these very strong winds that can move energy around to the cold side, so the nightside on those planets is really quite hot.
The team's measurements suggest the planet's nightside would actually exhibit a ruddy glow because its temperature appears to be in excess of 1,000 degrees Celsius — as hot as a blast furnace.
Prevailing winds could sweep the clouds eastward with the planet's rotation, creating the shifted hotspot, but the rock vapor would have to very quickly freeze out and fall to the surface after crossing into the nightside.
«We need something funny that could be gaseous on the dayside yet still condense out on the nightside.
Assuming Proxima b is tidally locked, Webb could then detect changes in the planet's thermal glow as its cold, nightside and warm, sunlit dayside shift in and out of view across one complete orbit, rather like watching phases of the moon as it circles Earth.
Temperatures on the nightside dip only as low as about 1200 degrees Fahrenheit.
However, the study also revealed some intriguing discrepancies, including significant differences between the observed and expected brightness of the hot Jupiter's «nightside» — or the hemisphere facing away from the star.
In reality, the aurora is most intense on the nightside.
And at some point an auroral «substorm» is triggered: the particles are snapped back toward Earth, and flow into the polar caps — on the planet's nightside.
The images show with unprecedented clarity both the dayside aurora, seen here over northern Canada, and the nightside aurora over Siberia.
Most, but not all — which is why the dayside aurora looks even brighter than the nightside one here.
They likely piled up on the dayside of the planet, acting as a bright shield that reflects incoming sunlight, and never formed on the nightside, letting heat radiate off into space.
Its nightside is lit by light reflected from Earth, which appears 50 times brighter from the moon than the full moon appears here.
That orientation pushes temperatures to about 1,900 ° Celsius on the planet's dayside compared with about 900 ° C on the nightside.
The map shows a clear temperature difference between the dayside (the side facing the white dwarf) and the nightside.
An exoplanet discovered orbiting a massive, scorching star 650 light years away is so hot that even its nightside hits temperatures higher than some stars
«The planet's dayside is going to glow a bright orange, and then on the nightside, it's going to be deep, dark red,» says B. Scott Gaudi at Ohio State University.
The haze scatters sunlight into the nightside, teasing researchers with glimpses of odd landforms faintly illuminated in Pluto's twilight.
It is possible that powerful winds are carrying the titanium oxide to the nightside of the planet, where it is able to condense into clouds, and then descend as snow.
Although the planet is tidally locked with one hot side facing the star, high winds may be redistributing heat on the dayside of the atmosphere rapidly to the planet's nightside (more from SSC; CfA; APOD; Grillmair et al, 2007; and Deming et al, 2006).
Molecular nitrogen becomes lesser than the atomic one in the region between 170 km (nightside) and 200 km (dayside)(Von Zahn et al. 1983).
However, the distribution of material from the dayside to the nightside of a planet is only likely to occur on worlds with a high surface gravity.
This area of Saturn was actually on the nightside of the planet when photographed, but it had rotated into daylight by the time Cassini met its fiery end there.
When they arrive to the nightside, the molecules go to a lower altitude and combine with nitrogen and oxygen atoms to create nitric oxide molecules.
The «hot Jupiter» planet, about six times more massive than Jupiter itself, discovered by NASA's Kepler exoplanet - hunting spacecraft, orbits so close to its parent star that it is tidally locked, with a dayside that always faces the star and a nightside that always faces away from it.
The spacecraft, which arrived at Mars on Sept. 21, 2014, has images from the nightside and the dayside of the planet.
The team attributes the anomaly to high winds, which likely transport the titanium dioxide to the planet's nightside, where it cools, condenses into clouds, and falls as snow into the lower atmosphere.
While hot Jupiters typically have gaseous titanium dioxide in the atmospheres of their day sides, Kepler - 13Ab instead has the substance fall as crystallized flakes or «snow» on its nightside.
The splotches, streaks and other irregularities in the image are indications that atmospheric patterns are extremely variable on Mars» nightside.
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