Sentences with phrase «nigra on»

An adult typically has around half a million dopamine cells in the substantia nigra on each side of the brain.

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Just like when gun owners freaked out that a nigra president was elected, so they got this panic - rumor running around about Obama banning ammunition, so they buy and hoard every bullet they could find, creating high prices and a shortage, which was itself blamed on Obama, which kept the panic buying going and the prices high.
You may notice that dark line forming from your belly button downward now (the linea nigra) and even have more hair growth on your belly or breasts.
What about the linea nigra — the brown line some pregnant women get on their belly during pregnancy?
The dark line on your pregnant belly is the linea nigra, sometimes called the pregnancy line.
The color of your linea nigra can vary from faint to very dark, depending on your skin color.
Why: During pregnancy, most women will experience hyper - pigmentation, such as a linea nigra (the line that runs down your belly) or melasma (darker pigmentation on your face) in some form, both of which are caused by an increase in estrogen, experts believe.
The linea nigra is that vertical line on your belly, a pregnancy trademark that commonly shows up on moms - to - be.
And when you have a friend or family member undergoing the same route as you do, you can share them tips on how to deal with their linea nigra as you do.
Because in the old times, most expecting mothers rely on their linea nigra to determine the gender of their child.
The linea nigra, or the dark line that shows up on your belly during pregnancy, is supposed to be a clue to the sex of your baby.
Their analysis focused on the substantia nigra, a brain structure where Parkinson's disease kills neurons that use the chemical dopamine to communicate with other cells.
This involves killing substantia nigra neurons on one side of the brains of rats, which then develop a movement imbalance that causes them to turn in circles, as well as exhibiting other symptoms.
This image by Hara Woltz, a conservation biologist from Columbia University (US), was taken while researching ecological interactions between species and landscapes in the archipelago, and depicts a Galápagos tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra) on Santa Cruz Island utilizing a human road.
Comparison of 6 - hydroxydopamine lesions of the substantia nigra and the medial forebrain bundle on a lateralised choice reaction time task in mice
The major significance of the paper is that it resolves the long - standing controversy about the role of α - Syn Lewy bodies in the degeneration of substantia nigra dopamine neurons, thereby sharpening the focus on Lewy bodies as targets for discovery of disease modifying therapy for Parkinson patients.
One study showed a recovery rate of 2 days, with a few taking as long as 3 days, for patients taking the Black Elderberry Extract (Sambucus nigra) on influenza type A and B in different strains.
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