Sentences with phrase «nihilism did»

We can know that nihilism did not mediate the relationship between task behavior and job dedication or relational behavior and job dedication.
Nihilism does not equate to atheism.

Not exact matches

Rather than choose nihilism, however, I feel convicted, stronger than ever, to do good in this world.
He worries that to do so may make Rorty more significant than he is, but he justifies the attention he pays to Rorty's cheerful nihilism not only because of Rorty's influence but because Rorty's is one response to the truth about life.
But they did not see that this nihilism stemmed from the Nazis» radical hatred of the Jews.
God has clearly chosen to work in ways not immediately obvious to us, and we can only assume that He has done so in order that He might be glorified while the vestiges of racism and exclusion, the failed attempts at revitalization, and the nihilism induced by violence might be put to shame.
I mean I respect your right to reject his version of events and I understand cynicism but doesn't that mindset extrapolate into nihilism?
Don't give me «here and now is damned» — in my opinion that type of dogmatic fatalism puts «god is dead» nihilism to shame in terms of real, measurable negative results.
Pulling solely on the oar of capitalist individualism results in nihilism, as it did in the Gilded Age and in the 1920s and «80s, and is no more satisfactory than trying to steer society by the oar of Christian communitarianism.
Maybe things we don't understand yet will reveal that nihilism is not unavoidable.
In a circumstance of real social crisis, however, the irrationalists might be isolated and prevented from spreading the poison of debonair nihilism throughout the culture, as they do at present.
There is only one way it could not be, and that is if you decide that it teaches that nihilism is the truth, revealed here by the pointless failure of Davis's career, so that his having to obtain abortions for women he impregnated is just another absurd, annoying, and energy - sapping aspect of that, his irrational guilt instincts causing him to have to scrounge for money, and so that his learning that one of these abortions didn't occur is just another sort of misfortune, saddling him with sentiments that he will have no way to really act upon (it is unlikely the that the mother of the child wants to see him), and probably causing him to draw some kind of superstitious karmic connection between a random coincidence of having hit a cat that looks just like one he abandoned, and his driving by the town his child may be living in.
In this way the ontological argument, by drawing out the presupposition of metaphysical understanding, indicates that the choice before us is between holding that there is a God and that «reality» makes sense in some metaphysical manner, whether or not we can ever grasp what that sense is, and holding that there is no God and that any apparent metaphysical understanding of reality can only be an illusion which does not significantly correspond to the ultimate nature of things — unless this «nihilism» be regarded as a kind of metaphysical understanding instead of its blank negation.
at no point did i equate the entirety of atheism with nihilism.
@Robert I do so love it when religionists conflate atheism with nihilism, communism, satanism, social darwinism, defeatism, etc. ad nauseum.
nihilism: compassion doesn't really exist evolutionary naturalism: compassion is a foil for survival goals religion: compassion serves a transcendent reality (in so far as it reflects that reality) Christianity (in particular): compassion is the most powerful force in history, and reveals God's eternal heart
Both nihilism and cultural relativism leave the individual apparently free to do as he pleases without referring to moral values but actually in terrible insecurity until he can find something more than himself that is of value.
Although it has been called perhaps the most radical «nihilism» that has ever existed, Madhyamika does away with both affirmation and negation; when both modes of action have been quieted, the spirit enters into perfect stillness.
Abortion by itself did not cause that disregard, but it certainly deepens and legitimates the nihilism that is spreading in our culture and finds killing for convenience acceptable.
Does Heidegger fare any better against the charge of «metaphysical nihilism»?
We still desperately need a way of welcoming diversity that does not deteriorate into nihilism, and a sober recognition that neither religious nor secular movements are good or bad as such.
One can not finish this well «written and pleasantly accessible defense of Hellenic civilization without wondering if the fierce resentment against Attic superiority (and Thornton quotes a great deal of such resentful scholarship in the early chapters) does not conceal a closet nihilism» a hostility to the light of Being first honored and brought to expression by the Greek philosophers.
Lear marvels that so much of what passes for commentary on Socratic irony in Plato's dialogues has to do exclusively with the question of whether Socrates dissembles, whether he wears a mask of unknowing behind which lurks either certainty about important matters or skepticism, perhaps even nihilism.
The contemporary Christian who bets that God is dead must do so with a full realization that he may very well be embracing a life - destroying nihilism; or, worse yet, he may simply be submitting to the darker currents of our history, passively allowing himself to be the victim of an all too human horror.
... Nihilism — I don't care.
Like Nietzsche, Heidegger traced the philosophical origins of nihilism back to ancient Athens; but unlike Nietzsche, he did so — or so he believed — without rancor, any impulse to pass judgment, or any lingering trace of metaphysical thinking.
Admittedly, I am no fan of the label nor does most of its clothing resonate with me, as I can't relate with the postmodern nihilism it stands for.
They're gangsters who don't believe in God or religion, but they think you'll go to hell for nihilism.
It's a mystery film that doesn't solve the mystery, a Luddite film undermined by biological frailty; and it boasts a resolution so ambivalent that it surpasses spirituality to root itself in cold, hard nihilism.
It's the most scabrous, uncompromised work from Billy Wilder, who never made a movie that wasn't kind of an asshole; and never made a movie that didn't reflect the essential nihilism of his worldview.
I don't do well with the nihilism and anxiety and gore that I (possibly wrongly) associate with zombie films.
The chi - chi designer rub - outs of «Mob City» and the coming super-dark darkness of «True Detective» — tagline: «darkness becomes you» — will try to keep hard - guy nihilism perking, but the writing is on the wall: you want to get a quality job done these days, best give it to a woman.
Revenge of the Green Dragons is full of carnage and nihilism, for those looking for murder and torture, but it doesn't bring anything new to the table.
He did it with KISS KISS BANG BANG, and he's done it again with THE NICE GUYS, a stylishly acerbic and decidedly hard - boiled neo-Noir pitting nihilism against idealism during the candy - colored decadence of 1977 Los Angeles.
Dark though the journey may be, «I Don't Feel At Home in This World Anymore» ultimately challenges its characters» nihilism, pointing toward a certain strength in togetherness to counter what can feel like overwhelming depression about the state of the world.
Camus also opposed Nihilism, but did say that the «human condition» is mortality, and that the world lacks external meaning, even though we crave it.
The most radical thing an artist can do now, he claimed was «to paint with oils on canvas».2 A revival of painting by Collishaw and Hirst (who is included in Painting Now) indicates the significant cultural shift away from the gaudy consumerism and nihilism that artists of the 90s once championed.
And that's not a broad enough curatorial theme to include more than one woman, or as Kim Gordon concludes, «Apparently women and Nihilism [sic] just don't go together.»
That is why America owes denier William Grey and Kyoto - fighter George Bush so many kudos for standing tall against the nihilism of the Left's Doomsday Global Warming Machine when it was the most hard for anyone to do that.
In the examination of the mediating role that nihilism played between task behavior and job dedication, relational behavior and job dedication, the results showed that nihilism was not significantly related to job dedication, so we need to do Sobel test.
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