Sentences with phrase «niqabs during»

The right of women to wear niqabs during their citizenship ceremonies became a major election issue throughout Canada.
The defendants argue she should remove her niqab during her testimony and cross-examination to allow access to demeanor evidence, including seeing her facial expressions.
For example in Ishaq v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2015 FC 156, (a case about whether a woman could wear her niqab during a citizenship ceremony), six public interest groups — including the Ontario Human Rights Commission, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the National Council of Canadian Muslims — were refused permission to intervene, as the court determined that they could not advance their proposed arguments without social science evidence to back them up; nor could the court take judicial notice (facts and materials are accepted on a common sense basis without being formally admitted in evidence) of any of the facts necessary to support the arguments.
A 2011 change in government policy required her to remove the niqab during the oath of citizenship.
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