Sentences with phrase «nitrogen bubbles»

This blast creates a burst of tiny nitrogen bubbles that rise to the top of beer, giving it a thick, creamy head like the one you'd get from a tap.
Biologists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution found bone damage consistent with decompression sickness, caused by nitrogen bubbles in the blood as an animal surfaces too quickly.
And then we had a sponge diver also brought to us with the bends, or decompression sickness, which is caused by nitrogen bubbles forming in your blood if you come up too quickly.
Saturn's main moon, Titan, has a «magic island» that might be made of streams of nitrogen bubbles, scientists report April 18 in Nature Astronomy.
So brewmasters infuse the ale with nitrogen rather than with carbon dioxide, since nitrogen bubbles are smaller than CO 2 bubbles.
Even veteran divers can be felled by the bends, painful nitrogen bubbles that form in the blood and tissues when pressure drops rapidly.
Echocardiograms showed one - fourth as many nitrogen bubbles in their hearts compared with readings in similar tests that were not preceded by heavy workouts.
Bright «magic islands», which appear briefly in the dark lakes before disappearing, are thought to be nitrogen bubbling out of solution.
During the brewing process millions of smooth, nitrogen bubbles are infused into the brew.
The surge pour provides a cascading «waterfall» effect — the dark beer temporarily whitens as the nitrogen bubbles rise to the top of the glass.
Add a submarine powered by a heat - producing machine into the very cold Titan liquid, and nitrogen bubbles will form.
A bubble of pure argon shines radiantly as soon as high - frequency sound waves begin to make it pulse, while a nitrogen bubble never sheds more than a dim glow.
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