Sentences with phrase «nitrogen excretion»

Nitrogen excretion refers to the process of eliminating or getting rid of excess nitrogen from the body. Full definition
However, doubling dietary protein intake (1.8 g · kg − 1 · d − 1) abrogated the increased nitrogen excretion and resultant negative nitrogen balance that occurred after the 7 - d energy deficit.
For example, «Cumulative urinary nitrogen excretion was significantly greater and cumulative nitrogen balance significantly more negative, during treatment with the ketogenic than with the nonketogenic diet... Whole - body rates of leucine oxidation were significantly higher during treatment with the ketogenic than with the nonketogenic diet...» (Vazquez and Saimak, 1992).
«Athletes on high protein diets should stay well - hydrated, as water loss can be increased from nitrogen excretion during protein breakdown.»
For example, a swine operation that substituted feed ingredients to reduce nitrogen excretion could generate offsets that it could sell to the owner of a coal plant.
After 7 d of a 2 % carbohydrate, 15 % protein, and 83 % fat weight - maintenance (33 kcal / kg) diet, 24 - h nitrogen excretion was higher, without a change in postabsorptive hepatic or whole - body protein metabolism, than it was with the 2 comparison diets composed of 0 % fat and 41 % fat (15).
Urinary urea nitrogen excretion, which is indicative of total protein intake, increased substantially with the combination diet.
Dietary carbohydrate deprivation increases 24 - hour nitrogen excretion without affecting postabsorptive hepatic or whole body protein metabolism in healthy men.
High fat diets also allow nitrogen excretion to be reduced, minimizing fecal volume and water loss, and reducing the heat of digestion compared to that of carb breakdown.
However, increasing dietary protein intake may offset the increase in nitrogen excretion and negative nitrogen balance that generally occurs during periods of energy deficiency (13, 14).
Low - carb diets have repeatedly been shown to increase nitrogen excretion, which is one reason why they suck the big one for building muscle.
Urinary nitrogen excretion is a long - standing and widely employed marker for protein (as in, lean tissue) breakdown.
In general, acute periods of negative energy balance associated with fasting result in increased whole - body proteolysis, amino acid oxidation, and nitrogen excretion, which become less pronounced and plateau over an extended period of time as the body adapts to conserve energy and protein reserves (e.g., muscle protein)(3, 17, 21, 22).
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