Sentences with phrase «no right and wrong»

He was both right and wrong.
«When I look at all of the possibilities of what can go right and wrong, that's one of the examples I point to when things go wrong,» he says, reflecting on the snafu that happened seven years ago.
Before your next interview, create a list of five questions you think will reveal the right and wrong candidate based on how a prospective hire will respond.
Change can be difficult for perfectionists, who often believe there's a clear right and wrong way to do things.
No matter what sport you played growing up, you had a coach who told you what you were doing right and wrong, so that you could improve upon it.
There's always a right and a wrong side of every street, and before you rent your retail space, stand out front and count how many people walk by the door.
If you are worried about an employee taking a lot of sick time, there's a right and wrong way to ask about it.
What went right and wrong?
The idea of right and wrong is less central to creating success for their team, partners, and organizations because they realize the infinite spectrum of possibilities that exist.
If making you ethical was the aim, then ethics education would be either redundant or hopeless: critics are probably right to think that a basic understanding of right and wrong is either there by the time kids enter university or it isn't.
«You're right and wrong on that,» Duffy said.
Empathy motivates them to live by their morals determining what is right and wrong.
In the same vein, some interviewers may be a little bit too focused on what a candidate's answers are, with right and wrong answers preloaded in their brains and notepads.
In this context ethical «tone» means the mood or tenor that a leader sets with regard to choices between right and wrong, between more and less admirable forms of behaviour.
Too few companies analyze what they did right and wrong when a deal unravels.
People high on authoritarianism tend to have blind allegiance to conventional beliefs about right and wrong and have high respect for acknowledged authorities.
To find out the right and wrong ways to get a bartender's attention at the bar, we went directly to the source, and more than 30 bartenders from around the world weighed in with their opinions on the matter.
And there's definitely a right and wrong way to do it.
They, like any younger generation don't exactly know what they're getting into, except their own views of right and wrong, good and bad, and green.
Agreeing so much meant that we were then both right and both wrong when it came to making important decisions.
Observe their ability to self - evaluate, their sense of right and wrong, their willingness to challenge the status quo.
But January is a natural time for an entrepreneur to look back, evaluate what he or she did right and wrong in the year past and make decisions about how to move forward.
Ethics is the careful study of right and wrong.
[5] See Kevin Ho, «Trading Rights and Wrongs: The 2002 Bush Steel Tariffs,» Berkeley Journal of International Law, Vol.
Gruber is both right and wrong: yes, Gundotra's rhetoric was stridently anti-Apple, but at the end of that keynote everyone in attendance received an HTC EVO 4G; when it came to the zero - sum game of actually putting phones in people's pockets, Apple's competitors (then) were companies like HTC, Motorola, and especially Samsung.
«Gage pours his heart and soul into this book, sharing his observations and opinions on what's right and wrong with business.
From there it has been a long journey of improvements, steps in both the right and wrong directions, and all that comes with achieving the level of success the site has.
Depriving yourself of feedback from your readers telling you exactly what you're doing right and wrong
Red plus (minus) signs to the right of specific forecasts indicate those graded right (wrong) based on subsequent market behavior, while red zeros denote any complex forecasts graded both right and wrong.
Using a credit card can help you build good credit, but there's a right and a wrong way to do it.
The purpose of these conversations was to explore what, if anything, is unique and measurable about the governance of family firms, and to understand what the BSCI gets right and wrong.
In a few cases, we evaluate a forecast with «0» and grade him both right and wrong.
If i have no morals because i'm an Atheist, then why do i have a beautiful wife and daughter who clearly know the difference between right and wrong and can clearly tell the difference between religious fables and reality????????????????????????????????????
Constitutional litigation and adjudication force communication along a narrow path, for the focus of legal advocacy is upon rights and wrongs.
And of course, as I began to learn years ago, life's biggest battles are not fought in the realm of the obvious between right and wrong.
There is no objective standard of right and wrong, no God, no eternal Day of Judgement.
Infects our minds with thoughts of right and wrong Pretends to be the Truth, to know what it is Based on reality that's long been gone It lies of Love, true kindness, bliss, and peace
Think of the «rules» or what is right and wrong, like a parent who sets guidelines for their child to keep them safe, and when they step out of those guidelines a good parent disciplines the child.
A TRUE Christian doesn't judge others and their opinions as to what is right and wrong - judgement is reserved for the Lord.
It is all insanity and it only gives people excuses to kill and behave immorally without having to try and think for themselves about what is right and wrong.
But if you look at the bible and how christians use it by picking out what parts they agree with and dismissing the horror of it as «cultural of the times» it says to me that their sense of right and wrong is more evolved than the book they claim is the final authority of right and wrong.
If you are going to say the Bible says what is right and wrong, then you can not ignore the facts in the Bible of which say how you can own slaves and how you can treat them of which we ALL are absolutely morally opposed to (even Christians).
There is then one specific right and wrong vs. everyone believing something different.
By the way, Atheists don't need to be told what is right and wrong, we know what is and do follow the «Teachings of Jesus» we just don't believe that there is a God, that is just silly.
Today's society has a basis of right and wrong, which for an older person would associate with basic Christian teachings of loving your neighbor as yourself.
Opposing views of right and wrong are best addressed and accommodated in a democratic political debate, with the judiciary serving the vital but secondary role of ensuring that basic rights are protected to prevent oppression of minorities by majoritarian rule.
If man is not created in the image of God, and if there is no God in heaven Who will judge the living and the dead, if there are no objective standards of right and wrong — then life becomes cheap.
How do we determine what is right and wrong?
I mean really?!?!? God's word says what is right and wrong, and if you believe differently then that is between you and God; because whether you want to believe it or not everyone will stand before Him, and if your name isn't in the book of life then you will suffer the consequences.
I don't need to conjure up an intelligent designer to know the difference between right and wrong.
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