Sentences with phrase «no right to point»

Use bulleted sections, and get right to the point.
But you have the right to point fingers if people are not honest about their fears and try to explain it away,» he told the Politiken newspaper.
Short, packed with details and right to the point wins every time.
While Fink is right to point out that low interest rates are putting a large burden on those of us trying to save retirement, he does not address the fact that central banks aren't primarily responsible for the fact that bonds of all types are yielding less today than we're used to.
In years to come, a lack of real income growth is likely to remain problematic for many Americans, but Soros is right to point out how a much maligned trend may perversely play to our advantage in the short - to medium term.
Introduce yourself quickly, then get right to the point.
That gets right to the point of what you discovered in your reporting, without pretending to be above the fray and reporting what powerful, self - interested «sources» tell you as if it is the gospel?
Get right to the point in about six to eight words.
And since half of emails are now read on smartphones, according to Dmitri Leonov, a VP at email management service SaneBox, it's important to get right to the point in about six to eight words.
This 2016 Duke University study (sponsored by the Alliance for American Manufacturing) gets right to the point:
They reworked it right to the point where employees opened millions of fake accounts to meet their sales quotas.
Remember, cold emails need to get right to the point.
Killer collection of interviews that all get right to the point about the pains they have with people and culture.
Hal is here talking about the second case, that of what is called «free banking», and is right to point to George Selgin as a leading scholar in this field (here's a podcast I recorded with George a few years ago)-- his books are a must - read if you are serious about money.
So, let's just get right to the point here without wasting any
Religions are a terrible delusion, you deserve the right to practice them but we reserve the right to point out how utterly ridiculous they all are and this article is a prime example.
In his review of Walter Kasper's book on mercy, Daniel P. Moloney is no doubt right to point out the strangeness of the apparent opposition between mercy and truth that is operative in that work.
Brad is exactly right to point out the potential weaknesses for abuse in any system of theology (in any human system at all, really).
You are right to point out this truth.
Until you do, we will exercise our right to point out how horribly an inhuman position you have taken.
Jesus has every right to point out the shortcomings of his Bride because he proved his authority in that area through his love unto death, his undying devotion and commitment no matter what she looks like, and his willingness to be actively involved in bringing out her beauty and maturing her character.
Now, I say member of our family not because I am ashamed of him I say that because I believe its not my right to point him out also I know how mean people can be.
Yeah, not quite the same thing we hear from our pulpits... but I think Bateman is absolutely right to point some of this things out.
John L.: Mahlstadt is right to point out that the problem isn't just one way.
4) Even if the sin we see in them isn't in our own life, there are certainly numerous other sins which might be in our own life which need to be taken care of before we have the right to point out sin in the lives of others.
Peter Limper is right to point out, in his perceptive review of MP, that my handling of that theme in the latter part of the book is too sketchy (PS 6:214 - 20).
And your intellectual betters have the right to point out that you are wrong and laugh at your deliberate ignorance.
Klein is surely right to point out the market prices should play some role in rationing health care, but he reads me as defending Obamacare, which was not my intention.
David is right to point to the inclusivity of the Gospel message; I don't think anyone disagrees that such a dynamic exists in Christian theology.
Nawaz is right to point out the hypocrisy, though one wishes he'd extend this line of reasoning farther.
NO WHERE did Jesus say that any of us has the right to point a finger and say «you're a sinner».
Mr Bogle is right to point out that assent to defined doctrine comes before all else.
And lets get right to the point: regardless of whether divinity is real, people who embrace these kinds of behaviors are, in reality, using their god as a rhetorical / emotional weapon to bully others into social conformity.
No one has the right to point fingers.
Yours faithfully, Father MJ Galbraith, HMP Addiewell Father Campbell Replies Father Galbraith is quite right to point out that the speculative and non-systematic nature of Balthasar's theology does lead to some apparent ambiguities and difficulties in interpretation.
- when you are spreading lies about the gay community and blocking their civil rights people have the right to point that out to uneducated prejudice bigots like you.
«He's got to do better at getting right to the point
We agree that evolutionary theory is not «totally sewn up» — and Fr Marsden is right to point that out — but it is also to be expected that at some future date the gaps in our knowledge of evolutionary processes may shrink.
Political commentators are right to point out voter concerns about immigration, economic distress caused by globalization, and the technocratic establishment....
Although I think Jeremy Waldron is a bit over the top when he describes my review as «actively misleading» for stating, incorrectly, that there were no interrogations at Abu Ghraib, he is both correct and right to point out that there were such interrogations; insofar as his letter illustrates that factual errors undercut a criticism of someone else's factual errors, I take his point.
I agree as well that the offer of eternal life is the main point, and you can get right to the point without spending too much time on sin.
I'll get right to the point: today and for the following week, you'll have a chance to win your own copy of YumUniverse: Infinite Possibilities for a Gluten - Free, Plant - Powerful, Whole - Food Lifestyle by Heather Crosby, of YumUniverse!
Lets get right to the point....
Which brings me right to the point of our post today!
We'll get right to the point (sorry): There are a lot of ways you can go wrong when caring for and using the best tool in your kitchen.
The «War on Drugs»; «War on Terror»; «War on Communism» and a host of other wars waged by the right wing are really nothing more than a War on People — an excuse to erode civil rights to the point of non-existence.
I've been making salad dressing for so long now, I take it for granted that's just what everyone does, but you're so right to point out the advantages.
In Uganda, standing in the Ambassador's kitchen, he greeted his host and got right to the point.
«As a football fan and as someone who would like to be featured not so much on a stage but at a football game, I think he has every right to point out her beauty,» Rogers responded.
ESPN tweeted out a video link of the Cavs making the first 11 threes, to which the Hawks Twitter account, known for its entertainment, had a short but right to the point answer.
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