Sentences with phrase «noble act»

The one flaw is this otherwise noble act was that she drove to the police station.
This I see as a very honorable, thoughtful, and even noble act.
Similarly, one can argue that Dixon's noble act doesn't change who he is in any significant way.
«Protecting other parents» children is a very noble act
What about the belief that since this world is temporary, it doesn't really matter — it's all ashes and dust, corrupt and lost so even the most noble acts are ultimately without merit — God will sort it out in the end...?
Its used as a mask so that others wil think that somehow theft, murder, biggotry and the extintion of other races are somehow noble acts when done in the name of a god or an ideal.
My first thought was: of course, Amazon isn't going to let Barnes & Noble act like it curries any real favor with Microsoft.
These dogs have beautiful soft fur and elongated faces and are very noble acting.
Despite his noble act, Oroc was suspended by the Toronto Transit Commission for abandoning the streetcar while on duty.
Oh, and the North's treatment of the Irish by essentially enslaving them to fight the Civil War was such a NOBLE act... NOT!
But this is what makes it one of the noblest acts of love — the kind of love God has for us, which provides us the ultimate example of what relationships should look like.
Not a noble act by any means!
In the latter perspective, Edward Snowden committed a noble act of civil disobedience to let his fellow citizens know what was going on.
It is a noble act that should not be ignored.
Love is a noble act of self - giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty.
He also turns up at a crucial moment with a noble act of friendship that Vivienne hasn't earned.
In an age where books are becoming a thing of the past, it is up to e-readers to keep users interested in the noble act of reading.
Cosigning can be a noble act, but it's a big commitment as well.
It's a noble act on your part, and you can certainly change the life of the other individual for good.
Adopting an abandoned pet is a noble act but, sometimes, finding the breed you are interested in is next to impossible.
In fact, you should consider it a noble act because you gave a second chance to someone who needs it more than anybody else.
These Japanese movies always contain a mix of noble acts, even humor, and exrtreme violence and brutality.
Speaking uncomfortable truths to power is a noble act; particularly when one's own government would deprive its citizens of access to vital facts necessary to arrive at an informed opinion on government policy regarding issues that impact the environment on which all of us ultimately depend.
Hansen thinks DeCristopher performed «a noble act, a profound gesture made on behalf of all of us and of the future.»
Thus we believe we do a noble act by building awareness about such a product.
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