Sentences with phrase «noble sacrifice»

Those who have been asked to live for others have been instructed to see their subordination as noble sacrifice or, worse, as merited punishment for sin.
Later, it's an Aliens rip - off, complete with noble sacrifice and mid-air resolution.
Then again, the filmmakers derive much of the fun from creatively pairing characters in unexpected ways, yielding a good deal of comedy to lighten the operatic highs, which range from noble sacrifice to the lingering peril of wanton death and destruction.
It's a toss - up between walking off into the sunset for a well - earned retirement, being murdered brutally to spur on their allies, or the tried and tested Noble Sacrifice ™.
Also you're talking about petrol cars causing pollution and acting like you're making some incredible noble sacrifice by rejecting them, when it's diesel cars & diesel commercial vehicles we need to take care of before we start throwing away sports cars.
Their noble sacrifice and the heroic follow - up work of family members like Rachel Saint, the sister of Nate, and Jim Elliot's widow, Elisabeth, inspired a generation of Christians - some to go to the mission field and many more to live a more mature and sacrificial Christian life.
The Liberal Democrats» forming a coalition with this crowd in 2010 could be seen as a noble sacrifice for national stability; to do it again in 2015 would be reckless in the extreme, and probably very short - lived.
Everyone gets a quip to crack, an ass to kick and an opportunity for noble sacrifice.
, I'd offer that this genocidal neglect is as superficial as its daddy dearest obsession — that filial chasms (note how an ice fissure opening figures as the film's key image) are the same sort of relational shorthand as cancer - ridden children and noble sacrifices: they're the character development equivalent of blowing something up real good.
There are foot chases and shootouts — the latter conducted with confusing geometry at intolerable volume — and noble sacrifices and perhaps the single least surprising surprise car explosion in cinematic history.
As part of the very large and mildly perturbed American film audience outside New York and L.A., I now regard my tolerance of platform releasing as a noble sacrifice I make to selflessly preserve the theatrical experience for everyone, everywhere.
It is, in any analysis, a visually - striking phantasmagoria that doesn't shirk from a sense of danger in the occasional murder or noble sacrifice.
Imagine her making a noble sacrifice in honor of her sister — or doing something similar to reverse Gamora's death.
It can tell of the noble sacrifice or the birth of a nation, like the death of Marat or the triumph of Napoleon.
If the core value of our profession is service, if the ideal is the soul of librarianship, then there can be noble sacrifice.
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