Sentences with phrase «nobody knows»

He said, «He [Wenger] is in his mid-sixties, it's natural to think about when his time here might come to an end, but the truth is nobody knows.
I for one will do my best to stop complaining because no matter what we may think or think we know, nobody knows the players better than Wenger.
There is no pleasure like eating them with loved ones, outdoors, before they fall apart but nobody knows how to live a moment like my mother.
Where that plot line will lead, nobody knows, but we keep hearing «oysters, clams, and cockles!»
nobody knows what will happen tomorrow, in an hour, in a minute.
Nobody knows that better than Doug Barnes and Lyle Cornelius, franchise owners of the first Nestlé ® Toll House ® Café by Chip ® in the Miracle Mile Shops — the top - grossing café in the international chain's entire system.
That question is particularly interesting because outside of a very small corner of the liquor industry, nobody knows who this Steve guy is.
I asked a few people in Asia markets but nobody knows about it — or they didn't understand me... Could you help me please, maye be you can give me a brand?
There are myriad options available in the marketplace, and nobody knows that better than the consumer.
Dallas Morning News columnist Frank X. Tolbert and friends are musing over an article in Holiday magazine titled, «Nobody Knows More About Chili Than I Do,» written by New York humorist H. Allen Smith.
This quite loose construction is wrapped in pale - green marzipan (nobody knows why it's green).
On another point where I live, nobody knows what kale is (I never find it anywhere even on markets and natural shops).
Guess what, nobody knows.
So, nobody knows who that Jesus may have been in the story.
Smith had the gall to title his article «Nobody Knows More About Chili Than I Do.»
Nobody knows exactly how many people attended.
Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.»
That nobody knows and has nobodies And I should know»cause I am one of these Happy to blend and I really am honestly
The point being that nobody knows how different the intron or non-protein coding sequences are between humans and other primates because the research quoted is only on the exons, or protein coding portions of the genome.
Luther told Staupitz: «Now Tetzel has disappeared and nobody knows where he has gone except perhaps the Fathers of his Order.»
Nobody KNOWS anything for certain... it's all a big guess by mankind, whatever you believe.
If you can force your opinion on everyone by saying that nobody knows what happens to us when we die (how do you know what other people do or do not know), then how is that any different from those that believe there is life after death preaching it to the world?
In the first place, nobody knows who the author, or writer, of the book of Samuel was, and, therefore, the fact itself has no other proof than anonymous or hearsay evidence, which is no evidence at all.
The real answer is nobody knows.
Nobody knows what happens after death, and religion lies to people when it tells them it does know..
Nobody knows who the great men and women are when they are first born.
But I can say to you straight to your face that nobody knows than I do.
Nobody knows why.»
Nobody knows when but the birth pangs are certainly approaching at an increasing frequency.
Nobody knows date and time.
Nobody knows what his thoughts are on a lot of things.
in the book of Matthew it says that «nobody knows the day or hour not even the son of god or the angles but only the father».
Apparently nobody knows.
Unfortunately in reality nobody knows these answers, but believing in something like a god is comforting to people.
Clearly the end of each of us on earth is death in this world — nobody knows when you go from beaing dead in this life to getting taken into heaven.
An individual with even a modicum of detachment from the contemporary American scene may wonder how Christians can be so sure that God is either for or against all these specific political and social positions, or how Christians make it plausible to themselves that Jesus was either a capitalist («The Man Nobody Knows») or a socialist («The Man Only Good Guerrillas Know»).
Don't try to weasel out of it with «nobody knows», either.
What, Nate, you aren't satisfied with a simple, honest «nobody knows»?
NOTE: After NAMBLA was exposed, the GLBTQ Pride parade people asked them to keep low key, sort of like the crazy uncle you keep under wraps so nobody knows it runs in the family.
They seem to think that nobody knows the Bible but them.
«The Gandhi Nobody Knows» is a lengthy article out at the Commentary magazine website which you should find very interesting.
The answers vary from «that's not a scientific question'to «nobody knows».
Nobody knows that, but it is obvious no organized religion is truth.
Nobody knows, he says, «what critical mass it would take to force our own Magna Carta on the American bishops».
You can have verbal consistency if you leave some of your words so unexplicated that nobody knows what they mean.
Nobody knows in any complete or final sense.
Nobody knows if one exists and if one does, I promise you it's nothing like what we see all world religions sell.
Well, I say nobody knows what mere matter would be — that's a negation.
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