Sentences with phrase «nobody thought»

But nobody thought it would go beyond that.
«Thirty years ago, when the low - income housing tax credit was created, nobody thought of subsidized housing as a real estate asset class, but now they do,» said Buzz Roberts, president and chief executive officer of NAAHL.
Too bad nobody thought to warn the people living on it.
Nobody thought to put wheels on luggage until sometime around the»80s.
Nobody thought a phone as big as a tablet would sell, especially one with a little stylus in it; we stopped using Palm Pilots years before.
Having struggled to raise money since we started a year earlier, at this point (roughly a month before the vote) we had the opposite problem: money was suddenly flooding in as donors thought we might actually win (almost nobody thought it possible before).
Boups the Beerman: Nobody spoke of band - aid, nobody thought band - aid until it was brought up by our Jilayne.
Nobody, nobody thought this guy was going to win.
Nobody thought it necessary to explain its terms to Dyason.
In all the excitement, nobody thought to ask whether lawyers really ought to be starting blogs.
Nobody thought anything was wrong with this, although online research did give big firms a competitive edge.
Right now you're just saying «it looks like nobody thought of [thing that they thought of and addressed 30 years ago]».
Nobody thought we could do it and we did it!
I still don't expect it to pass but then nobody thought it would even go as far as it has.
/ / The Matrix is suggesting a new cause nobody thought about yet.
Nobody thought this was going to be easy — how to best launch a carbon cap and trade system is one of the most contentious issues on the table right now.
«Nobody thought about how we might need to work on these things in a really hostile environment.
And nobody thought that he had anything to do actually with the new American painting.
Nobody thought those messages would be replayed in such a public context, much less retained in an artwork.
I was really lucky nobody thought of it before.
An optimist would see small - scale, unorthodox companies with a creative and innovative approach to games and new media in general, exploring them in ways nobody thought of before.
Epic have a tradition of getting things on screen that nobody thought possible with the hardware of the time.
«Marrying Star Trek's leading duo to a co-op oriented game is such a logical move, I'm surprised nobody thought to do it until now,» noted Teflon in our preview.
I was expecting it to be some kind of bug or exploit, but it's actually consistent with what Forest Water is supposed to do, and just nobody thought to pour it on that boss until now.
Somehow, though, nobody thought it might be an idea to let people skip the hunting bit.
«Nobody thought about testing to see if the dog was appropriate.
But nobody thought to provide this information to animal shelter staff.
It didn't matter much which dog food you bought because nobody thought much about dog food or what they fed their dogs.
The vaccinated dogs in this study were literally destroying their own collagen (as well as their own DNA and other important substances), and nobody thought «aha, maybe this is why our dogs are being hit so hard with joint disease and we can't breed it out of them.»
Second thing is that the craziness where nobody thought there was any risk, so that for example in 2007 you could buy credit default swaps on Dubai sovereign debt, the riskiest region in the world dependent on the most unstable commodity in the world, which is oil, for four basis points.
He wanted cheap electronic books for his new Kindle, and the Big Six were not about to slash prices for some upstart online retailer with a gadget nobody thought they needed.
When he left the series, nobody thought it could get better.
nobody thought Android had a shot against iOS a few years ago & look what happened, give tablets a few years & the samething will happen.
You're absolutely right to bring up Android vs iOS in smartphones, although I don't agree that nobody thought Google had a shot to compete.
Nobody thought that it would be possible to create a lush garden for the event... but guess who did?
There were many opportunities to stop the holocaust but nobody thought it could be true or were too far away from it to care
It's a wonder that nobody thought to put a vacuum into a minivan until 2014, but the Odyssey did it first with the HondaVac.
When we had a look at the Prius hybrid technology, our first thought was «How has nobody thought of that before?»
The 2014 2500 Heavy Duty features an innovative, variable air intake system that is such a good idea it is amazing that nobody thought of introducing it before.
Nobody thought I'd buy this car, including me, but I haven't regretted since.
Not because everyone was exactly like him, but because everyone was different — and nobody thought that was a bad thing.
Russell Crowe, as the petty policeman, Javert, struggles mightily with the high notes, and it's a wonder that nobody thought to change the key to any of his songs.
The production team put the necessary elements for those scenes and creatures together, and nobody thought to give those scenes and the elements of the world a coherent through line.
Tony Black on Matt Damon's return as Jason Bourne in the post-Snowden world... Nobody thought Jason Bourne was gone forever.
I can't believe nobody thought of that idea sooner.
Well everything, that looked like the ecology Videos was CG, all of the other cutscenes are ingame graphics and rendered in real - time... MH4 Looks gorgeous and they really improved about everything of the game since the first Teaser Trailer a year ago, when nobody thought it'd look just half as good as Ultimate
(Sadly, nobody thought of dressing Emile Hirsch in a rubber fetish suit to make him invisible because hey - rubber is an insulator too!)
Nobody thought it would be a hit,» Travers said.
The fact that they were so cheap was probably because nobody thought these awkward length pants and shape would ever come back into fashion..
Nobody thought a wholesome vegan ranch dressing was possible — until now.
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