Sentences with phrase «noise of a blow dryer»

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There are lots of white noise apps for smart phones, there are white noise machines and if you are in a pinch, you can turn on the vacuum or blow dryer for instant white noise.
A dishwasher, fan, vacuum cleaner, blow dryer or a recording of white noise might be ideal.
(For comparison, 50 decibels is the sound level associated with moderate rainfall; 60 decibels corresponds to the noise of typical conversation; 70 decibels is comparable to the sound of a vacuum cleaner; and blenders and blow - dryers emit 80 to 90 decibels.
Long - haired cats might require the usage of a blow dryer, but only if the noise
If you're going to be using a blow dryer, keep in mind that many puppies might find the noise scary — turn it on several feet away to allow your dog to get used to the noise, bring it slowly closer while feeding lots of treats, and keep it on a warm setting to keep your pup comfortable.
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