Sentences with phrase «noise of whimpers»

Not exact matches

At one point I heard the neighboring carnivores come out of their caves to make whining, whimpering noises, but sorry folks, only enough meat to feed my famished five.
For instance, high - pitch crying indicates that the baby is hungry while a whimpering noise indicates that a change of diaper is needed.
Ever since society finally admitted that most babies don't drift off to dreamland without a whimper, the «bedtime industrial complex» has steadily expanded to include swaddling blankets, white noise machines, sleep labs and shelves of books with titles like «The Happiest Baby on the Block,» «The Baby Whisperer» and «Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems.»
A dog's whimper for a treat or a happy bark at hearing you come through the door may sound different than a noise made out of fear.
Four cold walls, loud noises, hundreds upon hundreds of dogs coming and going, sounds of barking and whimpering 24 hours a day for nearly a decade.
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