Sentences with phrase «noise sensitivity»

Noise sensitivity from hearing loss can also make some dogs more anxious and vocal.
The review includes a review of individual risk factors, such as noise sensitivity and others that may affect how people respond to living near wind turbines.
It's a great option for senior pet owners who've noticed increased separation anxiety or noise sensitivities among their pets.
The research suggests that pain can be a cause of new noise sensitivities, especially in older dogs.
A recent study about noise sensitivities in dogs gives us new information that could improve the quality of life and well - being of a lot of dogs.
«We see huge variability in noise sensitivity, and this gives us a marker to predict that sensitivity.»
«Symptoms involving impaired contraction of smooth muscles include constipation; urinary spasms; menstrual cramps; difficulty swallowing or a lump in the throat - especially provoked by eating sugar; photophobia, especially difficulty adjusting to oncoming bright headlights in the absence of eye disease; and loud noise sensitivity from stapedius muscle tension in the ear.»
Although most dogs are able to filter out offensive sounds so that their brains are not overwhelmed, others do not have this ability and suffer from noise sensitivity disorders as a result, developing fears and phobias to noises such as fireworks, thunder, and sirens.
The fear and anxiety associated with noise is commonly called noise sensitivity, anxiety or phobia, depending upon the types and severity of clinical signs.
She said, «The aim of the study was to explore the presenting signs of dogs with generalised noise sensitivity with and without pain in their muscles or joints.
To carry out the research, scientists from Brazil and the UK teamed up to assess two groups of dogs which presented with noise sensitivity: those which had already been diagnosed with underlying musculoskeletal pain and those which hadn't.
In addition to the factors surrounding each individual dog, there are lifestyle considerations, compliance with the training plan and some confounding factors that affect success, such as noise sensitivities, general anxiety, medical conditions and other phobias.
I started taking the supplements, but found that taking the Vit B made my noise sensitivity worse, so I dropped that.
At the time, I was on a strict workout regimen and a clean diet, but still found myself plagued by severe fatigue, sore muscles, and more oddly, noise sensitivity.
Low magnesium on the other hand can cause irritability, insomnia, muscle soreness and spasms, anxiety or depression, noise sensitivity, high stress, headaches and even chronic fatigue.
The problem is, when you buy a purebred puppy from a breeder, you know that breed's triggers (GSD triggers include territorial issues, protection issues, and noise sensitivity; chow triggers include negitive punishment, territorial issues, fear - biting; etc).
This fear is known as canine noise aversion, noise anxiety, or noise sensitivity.
The company claims that it even calms animals with noise sensitivity to thunder, vacuums and more.
The Health Canada summary identified a number of other factors that may contribute to annoyance levels, including economic benefit, visual appearance and noise sensitivity.
Check here for free webcasts and Lindsey's articles on sensory overload, noise sensitivity, sensory diet, sensory - friendly clothing, picky eating, sleep difficulties and more.
Check here for free videos and Lindsey's articles on sensory overload, noise sensitivity, sensory diet, sensory - friendly clothing, picky eating, sleep difficulties and more.
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