Sentences with phrase «noisy toys»

The phrase "noisy toys" refers to toys that make loud or loud sounds when played with. Full definition
She likes her flash cards, toy guitar and piano, books, balls, blocks, big plastic snap beads, and lots of noisy toys.
This hard material can be loud on hard floors, but if your dog loves noisy toys, it's sure to be a winner.
It seems normal and even beneficial to lie baby under a play gym with bright colourful and noisy toys for them to look at and interact with.
Try to take the least noisy toys; this will prevent others to be rude because of the noise of your child's toy.
You will have plenty of time to load it up with noisy toys once your sweet baby starts to crawl!
Avoid bringing noisy toys that may annoy others!
Try hiding rattles or noisy toys under the cups and sliding them on the floor for baby to get curious - «Oooooo, what's under there making that sound?»
The colorful noisy toys keep my daughter occupied and entertained.
There's no special learning to be had from noisy toys, only the potential for a migraine and a sleepless night when you accidentally set one off on the way to the bathroom and wake the baby.
This Christmas, many of us will already be thinking about whether to buy noisy toys, techy gadgets or beautiful keepsakes for our loved ones.
In fact, some toys designed for preschoolers are so loud that when they were tested for the Sight and Hearing Association's annual list of noisy toys, they blared at 129.2 and 119.5 decibels.
This new customisation suite is both phenomenally powerful and easy to use, granting warfighters the suppressed tools they'll need for stealthy infiltration and the massive, noisy toys for when things go south.
Despite the creepiness factor, some of the noisier toys have proven to be helpful: as soon as Max was old enough to have toys in her crib, I would put all the loudest ones near her before putting her to bed.
Your child's ear is much more sensitive than an adult's, so when your child is immersed in a noisy environment or playing with a noisy toy she is much more susceptible to noise - induced hearing loss, which can lead to permanent hearing damage.
Avoid Loud Noises If you've walked down the toy aisle of any major retailer in the last several years, you're more than likely familiar with the garish and noisy toys that are available for toddlers and young children.
Loud TV shows or noisy toys can be overwhelming and over stimulating for your twins.
Flash forward to now and you are surrounded by noisy toys and twin cries as you are deciding how you are going to survive a beach day.
Thisclose to smashing a noisy toy?
To help your baby learn to find things by listening you can show them a noisy toy and put it behind your back and shake it to make the familiar sound your baby will recognise.
According to the American Speech - Language - Hearing Association, «When held directly to the ear, as children often do, a noisy toy actually exposes the ear to as much as 120 dB of sound, a damaging dose — the equivalent of a jet plane taking off.
Encourage your little one to develop their coordination at this stage by giving them a noisy toy such as a rattle.
Show them something new and fun every day, whether it's how to rattle a noisy toy or squeeze a bath toy, it all helps to get their memory developing.
Choosing not to purchase or choosing to get rid of noisy toys, appliances, vehicle engines, machines, power tools and the like will help protect you and your children from the strain that chronic noise can take over time.
Noisy toys may have their own troubles.
Needless to say, having a noisy toy in a world of monsters attracted to sound is a bad idea.
Another option is to find a noisy toy that your dog can't tear up.
For example does he bark at ringing doorbell, noisy toys, or may be when you clap?
To be safe, check the Sight & Hearing Association's annual list of noisy toys.
I may be crazy for handing my kids another noisy toy.
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