Sentences with phrase «nomadic hunters»

2,153 BC: A group of nomadic hunters banded together to hunt a wildebeest to provide food for their people.
These examples are crucial, Fry says, because our ancestors are thought to have lived as nomadic hunter - gatherers from the emergence of the Homo lineage just over 2 million years ago in Africa until the appearance of agriculture and permanent settlements about 12,000 years ago.
There was a Nat Geo special not long ago that credited the transition of humans from nomadic hunter / gatherers to farming and communal living to the domestication of the dog.
A huge cave system in southern Yucatan near the small town of Oxkutzcab, Loltun boasts impressive stalactites and stalagmites and was used as a refuge by nomadic hunters in prehistoric times and by the ancient Maya.
The Botai's ancestors were nomadic hunters until they became the first - known culture to domesticate horses around 5,500 years ago, using horses for meat, milk, work and likely transportation.
His list includes nomadic hunter - gatherers such as the!
Partly, too, it's because nomadic hunter - gatherers have to keep their children spaced at four - year intervals by infanticide and other means, since a mother must carry her toddler until it's old enough to keep up with the adults.
That's because the dog is the only animal to undergo the process when humans were still nomadic hunter - gatherers.
To lure nomadic hunter - gatherers out of the forests and into settled communities, government representatives used a technique known as the «attraction front» for many decades.
Easily one of the most anticipated mainstream console titles of the year, Horizon sees nomadic hunter Aloy battling huge robot dinosaurs for survival amid the ruins of a wrecked civilisation.
At more than 100 sites across the peninsula, Petersen and his colleagues had unearth edevidence of early civilizations that were far more advanced, far more broadly connected, and far more densely occupied than that of the small bands of nomadic hunter - gatherers previously hypothesized for the region.
Before humans settled down and began to farm, they lived as nomadic hunters and gatherers.
Evidence of the earliest processing of oats by nomadic hunter - gatherers suggests that Europeans ate cereals thousands of years before farming took off
And it would have been important to these nomadic hunters to bring the animal down efficiently.
Lethal violence certainly occurred among those nomadic hunter - gatherers, Fry acknowledges, but for the most part it consisted not of genuine warfare but of fights between two men, often over a woman.
The lower figure resonates with Fry's extensive studies of nomadic hunter - gatherers, whom he has observed to be less violent than Pinker's work suggests.
The finding suggests that the transition from a nomadic hunter - gatherer lifestyle to a sedentary farming one may not have been as clear - cut as thought, says De Groote.
Yet archaeologists know that nomadic hunter - gatherers likely lived there seasonally and possibly year - round by at least 10,000 years ago.
Another possibility, Allaby says, is that the nomadic hunter - gatherers of southern Britain roamed much farther into the European mainland than previously realized, picked up wheat or wheat products from farmers to the east, and brought them back to Britain.
Credit: NASA The reason that you're able to sit in a comfortable chair in your home and read this article on your tablet or laptop is that many thousands of years ago, humans shifted from being nomadic hunter - gatherers to raising their own food crops and domesticating animals.
The Patagonian Paleo - Indians were nomadic hunter - gatherers who spent the winters in the lowlands and migrated during the summer to the central highlands of Patagonia and the Andes Mountains.
17, was in Cameroon, conducting research on education among the Baka, a group of nomadic hunter - gatherers living in the eastern forests of the country.
The nomadic hunter - gatherers often hunted large animals, the majority of this focused on Reindeer, but they have been known to go after Marine Mammals and even Polar bears.
Based mostly in the northern regions of Inner Mongolia and the Heilongjiang Province, the Oroqen were once «nomadic hunter - gatherers,» Gibson explains, whose ancestors had migrated down the Amur River (or Heilongjiang, or «Black Dragon River» in Chinese) from Siberia.
Using its leather as hide for shelter and clothing the artist creates a tribute to the fundamental traditions of nomadic hunter / gather societies.
As nomadic hunter - gatherers, we Penan people have been roaming the rainforests of the Upper Baram region for centuries.
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