Sentences with phrase «nominal yields moved»

The findings: Traditional defensive sectors such as utilities, telecommunications, real estate and consumer staples provided minimal protection when nominal yields moved higher.

Not exact matches

In bonds, Friday's tepid unemployment report was accompanied by a substantial decline in both real and nominal yields - enough to move the Market Climate in bonds to a condition of both unfavorable valuations and unfavorable market action.
For roughly three decades, U.S. non-financial corporate debt as a percentage of U.S. nominal GDP and the high yield default rate moved in tandem.
Yields on inflation - indexed bonds have moved in a similar way to nominal yields since the last StatYields on inflation - indexed bonds have moved in a similar way to nominal yields since the last Statyields since the last Statement.
Real yields have moved similarly to nominal yields over the same period, with yields on 10 - year inflation - linked bonds currently around 3.5 per cent (Graph 52).
This is compared to yields on MBonos (nominal bonds), as measured by the S&P / Valmer Mexico Sovereign Bond Index, which moved up only 32 bps, with the index returning 4.3 %, buoyed by its coupon carry.
As Jim Bianco has done, we can compare the year - over-year change in nominal GDP with the 5 - year Treasury yield, which have historically tended to move together over time.
For roughly three decades, U.S. non-financial corporate debt as a percentage of U.S. nominal GDP and the high yield default rate moved in tandem.
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