Sentences with word «non-verbal»

Through communication (i.e., positive non-verbal gestures, verbal and written comments, extra time and attention), the teacher has communicated that he or she cares and likes the students.
Teacher immediacy in the online classroom has been operationalized for this study as non-verbal teacher communications that foster psychological closeness and acknowledge student feelings in a timely manner (Dupin - Bryant, 2004; Easton & Katt, 2005; Mehrabian, 1971; 2007).
In virtual environments the non-verbal elements are limited.
To survive in poverty, you must be very non-verbal, reactive, and sensory - based.
This is great stuff for non-readers, visual learners, and students testing their problem - solving skills by following non-verbal cues.
Our emotional states of mind (our non-verbal affect) seep into our relationships with students.
Develop a non-verbal signal — such as a thumbs - down sign — to let a student know he is saying or doing something rude or disrespectful.
Within it, I was trying to emphasise the importance of non-verbal comm...
It encourages non-verbal communication.
Work out with the student a subtle, non-verbal signal to alert her when she begins to pick her nose.
[2 marks] 2 4 Design an observation study to investigate sex differences in non-verbal behaviour of males and females when they are giving a presentation to an audience.
They may use props, draw pictures (similar) and / or use non-verbal communication cues.
When responding to the student, pay attention to your verbal as well as non-verbal language.
It is great for those students who may be ELL, using non-verbal communication is great for everyone!
Do use visuals, sketches, gestures, intonation, and other non-verbal cues to make both language and content more accessible to students.
Identify procedures for having a conversation that includes appropriate non-verbal behavior.
In Phase 1, iterative changes to the robot's non-verbal repertoire will be made so as to identify those characteristics that make the robot attractive and worthy of sustained interaction by young children.
This module includes engaging activities on good and bad listening and speaking habits, the impact of non-verbal communication and the importance of good written communication in any job search.
It has been written by a team with many years of experience in designing and delivering employability skills This module introduces students to some vital communication skills and how they impact on our everyday interaction with other people, or in a work setting: listening speaking, reading, writing and non-verbal communication.
In Phase 3, we will extend this comparison by asking whether the ¿ winning robot ¿ is as effective as a human speaker in signaling the meaning of new vocabulary items via (i) non-verbal indices of attention to a given object and (ii) non-verbal indices of goal satisfaction.
Finally, listening educators are keenly attuned to their students» comments and non-verbal signals during circles.
In a meta - analysis of research on using VR to improve the interaction skills of a broad group of professionals, Fukkink, Trienekens, and Kramer (2011) found that VF is effective at improving key communication skills, including verbal, non-verbal, and interactional skills.
It is clear that he is communicating with the audience on multiple, non-verbal levels (music, lighting, heck - even makeup).
Joan Cusack, as a butch ex-Special-Ops holidaymaker with a chatterbox partner (Wanda Sykes), gets no lines — she cut her own tongue out to avoid being tortured — but we wait in vain for a non-verbal punchline, either.
Wiress is nicknamed «Nuts» due to the mental state she was left in after experiencing the trauma of the Hunger Games — it will be interesting to see how they portray her in the film, and how Plummer will fare portraying an intellectually brilliant but almost non-verbal character.
In her richest role since Happy - Go - Lucky, she communicates non-verbal feeling with an unforced charm that never dampens the longings below.
So instead of working within the palatial 5th Avenue offices of top beauty brand LeClaire, she is stuck in a basement workspace in dingy building off an alleyway, working on the «online» forgotten section of the company's website with one pretty non-verbal and sometimes pants-less workmate, Mason (Adrian Martinez).
Tony Zhou examines the particular technique of how The Coen Brothers film conversation by putting the camera in the middle, using short, up close lenses, and most importantly, focusing on the non-verbal aspects for both empathy and comedy.
Timothy Spall's astonishing, largely non-verbal central turn saw him pick up the Best Actor prize at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, and we'd have been quite happy had the film swept every major award on offer.
Lelio focuses far more on the non-verbal language of affection and repulsion than any grand speeches or gestures.
They do this collectively, telepathically, and a tad Yoda - like (making the game semi-verbal instead of non-verbal).
A strikingly beautiful young woman, her non-verbal acting is truly something to behold.
THE TRIBE unfolds through the non-verbal acting and sign language from a cast of deaf, non-professional actors — with no need for subtitles or voice over — resulting in a unique, never - before - experienced cinematic event that engages the audience on a new sensory level.
Retaining the gentle, non-verbal comedy and daffy sight gags of the popular stop - motion TV series — itself -LSB-...]
Retaining the gentle, non-verbal comedy and daffy sight gags of the popular stop - motion TV series — itself a loose spinoff from Aardman's cherished «Wallace and Gromit» franchise — while assigning Shaun and his flock an urban escapade more expansive than their usual short - form gambols, the film should reward small fry and parents jaded by more synthetic kiddie toons.
Thanks to modern tools, a medium that began wordlessly is returning to its non-verbal roots.
«Arrival» — focusing on non-verbal aliens arriving on the planet Earth — was based on «Story of Your Life» by Ted Chiang.
Viewers are left to experience the non-verbal, mystical vastness of the film, and to subjectively reach into their own subconscious and into the film's pure imagery to speculate about its meaning.
The film is premised on the verbal communication of urgent information, yet its many non-verbal moments provide the greatest strength and clarity.
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Body language, sometimes called non-verbal communication, is an important tool.
If you ask most guys how they'd feel about a date with a single mom, you'll probably see a confused look on their face - this is a non-verbal «Uhhh, I Spare parts management: software for the creation of spare parts catalogue, sales catalogue, electronic parts catalogs and spare parts, consultation over
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A. Manufacturing (non-mold) Based Body Features - This section covers body How to read body language signs and gestures - non-verbal communications - male and female, for work, social, dating, and mating relationships
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Body language How to read body language signs and gestures - non-verbal communications - male and female, for work, social, dating, and mating relationships
How to read body language signs and gestures - non-verbal communications - male and female, for work, social, dating, and mating relationships
You'll show signs of improvement thought of how to pass on those 3 things in discussion and non-verbal communication with her.
Body language How to read body language signs and gestures - non-verbal communications - male and female, for work, social, dating, and mating relationships Decoding Women's Body Language She's Saying A LOT More Than You Realize.
If you ask most guys how they'd feel about a date with a single mom, you'll probably see a confused look on their face - this is a non-verbal «Uhhh, I
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