Sentences with phrase «nonbelievers in»

(B) s «belief» should lead them to put climate mitigation at the top of their list of concerns, and the presence of these «hollow» believers proves that the doctrine of CAGW is Culturally Determined, since there is no similarly contradictory group of nonbelievers in CAGW (presumably they would be nonbelievers in CAGW who demand that trillions should be spent to mitigate global warming).
Director William Friedkin films an exorcism performed by the head exorcist for the Diocese of Rome and interviews priests, psychologists, neurosurgeons and nonbelievers in this documentary.
Graeme and Clive, representatives of a nation of nonbelievers in UFOs and big dinner portions, come to the psychic capital of a country that wants to believe, and they're transformed.
Three of the founders describe themselves as nonbelievers in their onsite profiles.
His fan club boasted tens of thousands of believers, who held pitched battles with nonbelievers in the streets.
I think Mr. Greenberg will admit that Percy's interpretation» kicking nonbelievers in the ass» is awfully «edifying.»
Do believers need to justify anything to nonbelievers in terms of physical evidence?
Teresa MacBain, one of the most high - profile nonbelievers in the country after profiles by NPR, The New York Times and Religion News Service, was fired from her newly created position with the Humanist Community at Harvard.
Ah, a reason for nonbelievers in God to attack our Heavenly Father.
And while the band and director may have had nonbelievers in mind, the film is powerful enough to win over skeptics of the modern worship movement.
«Believers enjoyed psychological benefits in countries that tended to value religiosity, but did not differ from nonbelievers in countries that did not tend to value religiosity.»
In 2009, for example, President Barack Obama became the first commander in chief to reference nonbelievers in an inaugural address.
Perhpas someone else can enlighten me on the dogmatic views of non-Zeus believers and nonbelievers in Loch Ness Creature.
He seemed to touch a lot of nonbelievers in a highly moral, aspiring way.
It'd be like expecting nonbelievers in unicorns to agree on fiscal policy or non-stamp collectors to agree on politics.
I got pointed the finger several times and people honked the horn at me and yelled from the window It's hard to be a nonbeliever in America... I live in New Jersey BTW.
We wanted to know what it's like to be a nonbeliever in the Bible Belt, so over the course of the weekend we asked some of the folks here to share their secrets.
Should a nonbeliever in the divining power of astrology be afraid to say so to astrology fans — no matter how they have built their life, their holidays, their friends and family around it?
A believer of Einstein's god has no benefit over a nonbeliever in that sort of god.

Not exact matches

@ Joe: And if your religion tells you that you must bring jihad to the nonbelievers of the world, and your religion tells you that if you die a martyr fighting and killing the nonbeliever, and so, in the name of your religion and your religious beliefs, you hijack 4 planes and kill 3,000 people, that makes you a proper person?
Tony Dgee I think that the argument boils down to nonbelievers not believing in God, but in chance which they know they can't depend on to act favorably, so they do all that they can to bring about positive change for themselves.
In God is Not Great, Hitchens wrote: «Name one ethical statement made, or one ethical action performed, by a believer that could not have been uttered or done by a nonbeliever.
Less regrets and peace not to mention assurance of where we will spend the rest of eternity... an important detail that chaplains should not leave out especially in nonbelievers death beds where they have the last chance of experiencing true love that will keep them out of hell.
You said, «chaplains should not leave out especially in nonbelievers death beds where they have the last chance of experiencing true love that will keep them out of hell.»
Yup, if they left out the hell bit for nonbelievers and just went around talking about how their god will reward them for their believing in him, I doubt that many atheists would care enough to try correcting them.
They do articles like this for two reasons: believers are interested in the stories and nonbelievers like to get on the comment boards to vent their hatred of believers.
They should pick some lead from western nation about secularism, freedom of speech and liberty and manage their affairs in those terms with believers and nonbelievers equally.
In a New York Times blog, Ross Douthat notes that Pew created two nonbeliever categories instead of one: the much publicized atheist / agnostic category (which got 21 out of 32 religious knowledge questions right) and a much larger category of respondents who described their religion as «nothing in particular» (which got only 15 right — a bit below the national average of 16 correct answersIn a New York Times blog, Ross Douthat notes that Pew created two nonbeliever categories instead of one: the much publicized atheist / agnostic category (which got 21 out of 32 religious knowledge questions right) and a much larger category of respondents who described their religion as «nothing in particular» (which got only 15 right — a bit below the national average of 16 correct answersin particular» (which got only 15 right — a bit below the national average of 16 correct answers).
In the fiery hel.l, it portrays a punishment where God has set up a place for nonbelievers to suffer for their actions while God delights in iIn the fiery hel.l, it portrays a punishment where God has set up a place for nonbelievers to suffer for their actions while God delights in iin it.
BTW: Did you know (here is the study) that just as you stated in one example, Christian cling more desperately to the end of life than nonbelievers.
I'm sick of defending my faith after the fact to nonbelievers that means I'm not pro-active in my faith.It really irritates me how Christians get so offended at these groups and decide, through their pious thinking, that the best thing to do is create an alternative to these days and other ideas.
Elafry Living according to our own free will hasn't resulted in masses of nonbelievers committing crimes, has it?
THE FIRST LINE OF THE ARTICLE: Editor's note: Marya Hornbacher's latest book, «Waiting: A Nonbeliever's Higher Power,» explores what spirituality can mean to the recovering person who does not believe in God.
And your spellbook calling nonbelievers pigs is part of the reason so many people see the sheer arrogance and hypocrisy in your mythology.
Similarly, Kekes (a nonbeliever) claims, religious theories that posit the goodness of creation run aground: The «very existence of evil... constitutes a reason against believing in a morally good order.»
In a clip (see above) for CNN's «Crossfire,» she argues that conservative atheists are «better» than liberal nonbelievers.
In reading this post it is quite obvious to me that post is set up to downplay or discourage believers and nonbelievers of the reality that demonic oppression and posession exist.
In a democratic society, the nonbeliever must let belief alone and the believer must inhibit the political dimensions of his belief.
The purpose of this post is to encourage Christians in college to have that dialogue with believers and nonbelievers.
Yet it does not follow that he who does not believe in any of these facts would be considered a nonbeliever by Allah and would therefore suffer eternal damnation.
Most nonbelievers are defensive and not open to listening in a church or Bible study.
But as they opened their big book in front of him and told him gays were out, nonbelievers were bad and anything our country did was good, my son gave up camping and outdoor skills with the Scouts.
Vic Just replicate one supernatural event in front of a panel that consists of both believers and nonbelievers.
Think, as a nonbeliever, how much you would want to oppose the belief in witches and witchcraft.
of nonbelievers specifically in view in the sense that «the passage does not polemicize against the confession of Christ, neither in the original description, nor in Matthew's application of it» (6:71).
So you're right, this is all spiritual warfare that is taking place for satan to «keep» the nonbelievers, and create doubt in Gods love and the salvation through Jesus Christ.
I'm in a relationship with a nonbelievers which my family and society are totally against it but I really think he loves me.
Evangelizing tended to be defined in theory as dealing with nonbelievers, but in actual practice to be associated with a special kind of worship context to which the nonbeliever must conform if he was present at all.
The church that proclaimed the Chalcedonian Creed in 451 A.D. also practiced the baptism on nonbelievers (infants), prayed to Mary, and believed in and conducted the «sacrifice of the Mass,» and had a special order of priests in the church to carry out the «sacrifice of the Mass.» All these things continue today in the Roman Catholic Church and in the the Russian Orthodox Church (and the other «Eastern Orthodox» churches).
What abandoning belief in the divine DID do for many nonbelievers was to make them realize that we're all playing the lottery of life, that misfortune often comes down to the luck of the draw.
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