Sentences with phrase «nonconformist worlds»

The implacable clarity of those that choose their own paths, who shy away from conformity — even those in nonconformist worlds, such as art — often construct the most solid foundations.
Desire, pleasure and violence translate the starting point of a nonconformist world, marked by the will to exceed the common social borders.

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The final installment of Wright's Cornetto trilogy — so named after flavors of the frozen dessert cone — The World's End brings us back to this world of absurdist mayhem, of encroaching tyrannies and nonconformist heroism and World's End brings us back to this world of absurdist mayhem, of encroaching tyrannies and nonconformist heroism and world of absurdist mayhem, of encroaching tyrannies and nonconformist heroism and pubs.
The measure of a film like this comes through how much we can identify with the main character, and though her nonconformist views on life and love are radically different than what most would opt for themselves, she makes a certain sense in this uncertain world.
Perhaps this is why his audience within Japan (the youth culture) and those abroad (the international art world) revel in his nonconformist paintings: lowbrow Western kitsch mixed with the transnational appeal of abstraction.
Each piece of 1,000 nonconformists on any demo in the created world is truly a thousand hubs on a system containing countless different hubs.
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