Sentences with phrase «none of the points above»

Every situation is different, and none of the points above are foolproof, so take them with a grain of salt.

Not exact matches

As time goes buy the kind defenders of free will over their rejection to «dead» here and colossians 2:13 tend to resort to a familiar defense, that of labeling it a Calvinist viewpoint and that its almost a cultist view point to hold.Very sad yet very much the defense of many christians.Dead may i suggest is dead, the inability to respond, does not mean that prior to being saved one could not read scripture but because of this spiritual deadness its not profitabel / meaningful - we just can not continue to revise the meaning of dead to fit a view point - because natural man has not been born again this deadness (spiritually) shows itself as «none seek after God», in this condition they are» slaves to sin» and the spiritual things of God (the bible) is «folly / foolishness» even the gospel is judged by natural man as «folly / foolishness «(1 cor.1: 18) Please stop with this weak / common defense called Calvinism - many believers are truly turned off by such a defense.We must not forget the man's «free will» is what took the whole human race down in the garden; i would hope we can rise above our love affair with the human will.
(Again false as just illustrated above and again attacking me personally rather than my argument) None of these have anything to do with the point of discussion in this thread.
Not only do they need Chelsea to drop double - digit points, they also have to hope none of the teams above them make a run for it.
However, we are concerned that in one part of the opinion, it is stated that «this is a proposed stake as opposed to an actual stake,» while another part claims that «Government has accepted the proposal [to take a 24 % stake in the project] per the letter from the Ministry of Finance dated December 15, 2009...» As pointed out above Dr. Duffuor's letter of 15th December 2009 was heavily qualified, and none of the conditions contained in it had occurred.
The stock doesn't appear to be substantial investments from, say, a Gordon Gekko point of view, with none reaching above the $ 5,000 to $ 20,000 range.
«We can now categorize estrogen receptor - positive breast cancer that has evolved resistance into four categories: point mutated, translocated, amplified and none of the above,» he said.
My point is, can we find a compromise which guarantees none of the above 6 proposals will become the practice, but at the same time guarantee truly bad teachers who last for decades no longer do so, that it is possible to fire bad teachers as much as most professions, engineers, programmers, marketing, sales.
Most of the best credit cards affiliated with a particular company tend to make up for limited point redemption options by offering above average value; the Norwegian Cruise Line credit card does none of that.
If your debts are to the point that none of the above - mentioned options will alleviate the problem, then filing bankruptcy might be your only option.
Clearly the use of credit cards, where the authorized owner makes authorized purchases, pays off the card and gains points for so doing falls into none of the above categories.
None of the above takes much extra effort... and in the case of the last point I often do the math for you right here on Traveling For Miles so you don't even have to do that!
Most of the best credit cards affiliated with a particular company tend to make up for limited point redemption options by offering above average value; the Norwegian Cruise Line credit card does none of that.
The levels were as interesting as any other Halo campaign but due to the better graphics and the ability to climb up a ledge rather than having to jump above it's height it made it great to explore for skulls and collectables, within the 9 hour co-op game both myself and Russ found ourselves venturing off and climbing up different parts of the maps to see how high we could get or what was hidden away, we came across a few Easter eggs on the way and found some rare or «special» weapons, Halo has always been a FPS which you have to explore to find Easter eggs etc. but Halo 5 just seemed better than the rest for this, the game flowed well between each level bouncing from blue team and team Osiris following the story to show where paths cross and what each team is doing in between, I feel like all of the trailers kind of pointed the story into a different direction to the way the campaign developed which was surprising and confusing at the same time but none the less it was a great campaign and one of the best Halo games I have played in many years, I was never a fan of Halo 4 I thought it lacked everything a Halo game should be but Halo 5 has surprised me and was well worth the wait.
Looking back, it's downright embarrassing that none of us, at AlienLion, managed to immediately connect the above Phantom Pain trailer to Metal Gear Solid, when it debuted on VGA X. Sure, someone half - heartedly pointed out the fact that the main dude's mullet looked eerily similar to Snake's, before getting hushed out of the room, but we didn't even suspect that it could be a fake trailer for MGS, even after seeing Kojima's troll face immediately follow the premiere.
Where the hush of Paula Cooper gallery's cavernous interior, pristine walls, and pointed ceiling threatens to overwhelm any art, Maya Lin allows SculptureCenter to resemble at any moment a warehouse, a factory, a cathedral, or a scrappy display space, with none of these privileged above the others.
This ties into a few of the above points, but is none the less a real barrier.
It could be none of the above, though, as the tipster points out.
Secondly, none of what they «promise» to offer clients is conveyed in those bullet points above.
The above researchers analyzed a complex set of variables and conditions, none of which pointed to significant differences in adolescents» behavioral, emotional, or social well - being, when comparing those living with either parent and those living in a «dual residence.»
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